My dog decided to try to kill a skunk tonight. How's your night?
Ate some duck wings. Watched t.v. getting tired of this whole waiting thing. I like tornadoes better. No week of people being panicky cows. 20min and done
Dude, seriously, what the hell is with all these rotten skunks in the Chicagoland area? At my Gram's last might in Wheeling and the constant stench nearly gagged me.
Appleseed said:Dude, seriously, what the hell is with all these rotten skunks in the Chicagoland area? At my Gram's last might in Wheeling and the constant stench nearly gagged me.
Here in Elmhurst we probably SEE three a night. It was only a matter of time before one of them got sprayed; I just didn't expect my dog to pick it up and try to kill it.
mtn said:Here in Elmhurst we probably SEE three a night. It was only a matter of time before one of them got sprayed; I just didn't expect my dog to pick it up and try to kill it.
If you're already sprayed, you might as well try to take the bastard that did it to you down, right? :)
I've taken to wearing a headlamp going from my house to my shop because we have a skunk that's taken up residence in the back yard. I think they're cute but I'd rather not surprise it and get sprayed.
I read that they take up residence in abandoned groundhog holes; hopefully that means I've lost the last of my groundhogs as that's been a 3 year battle. I'd rather have skunks in the treeline than groundhogs tunneling under the shop!
We have a local skunk who lives under our deck, I think. The other night I went to throw something in the recycling and saw what looked to be somebody's Pomeranian prancing along the edge of the deck. Realized it was the underside of a raised skunk tail and ducked back into the house promptly but quietly.
mtn said:My dog decided to try to kill a skunk tonight. How's your night?
I'm trying to figure out if a hurricane could solve that problem or if it would still smell the same afterwards.
All I know is, if one of them decides to hose me, I'm using my size 10s to send it to Hell. I'll be dammed if one of those fart squirrels makes me a prisoner in my own home.
My baby got sprayed years ago by a skunk. She thought it was a dog and apparently went to sniff it's butt.... that didn't work out well. After that we went on a skunk eradication spree and have been skunk free for years.
In reply to Bobzilla :
So, your saying it's fine when your kids go around sniffing the butt of a dog?
There are things I don't understand...
In reply to mtn :
It involved staying out on the deck at dusk with a mossberg. It didn't help that they had made a nest in the hillside on the NW corner of the property. Once that family was no longer able to live there, its been pretty quiet.
Same with the coyotes. All you gotta do is kill one. the rest learn. Personally, I hate killing animals, but living rural you don't always get the choice.
Damn. While I'm mostly vegan in my diet, I ironically enough have zero problem killing animals that need killing. Like these damn skunks. Unfortunately, a shotgun here in suburbia won't work.
Pellet gun? If you make it sting maybe they won't come back.... or find a friend with a silenced .22
What if you get rid of the skunks only to have a yellow jacket problem? Skunks eat them/destroy their nests.
ProDarwin said:What if you get rid of the skunks only to have a yellow jacket problem? Skunks eat them/destroy their nests.
Ours encountered his first (and hopefully last...) skunk the first summer we were in our current house (3 years ago). He didn't seem to care, but the smell made our lives hell for the few days it took for it to go down- especially SWMBO, whose nose is far more sensitive than mine.
Was made exponentially worse by the fact that despite his being 80+ lbs he thinks he's a tiny lap dog and is always lying across us and sleeps on the bed.\
Now we're VERY cautious if we smell anything remotely like a skunk (this has gotten less frequent now that our old neighbors who were known to toke it up at parties have moved) and take him out in the yard on a leash instead of just letting him run around free.
Dog got skunked two months ago. She's mostly tolerable when dry but still smells when wet. The skunk moved in on a molecular level that cannot be killed.
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