And I'm proud to say that in the last few minutes that it happened, I really didn't do anything stupid enough to earn it!
But the rest of the day is still in front of me...
Edit - I did it!!! I was stupid enough to put "Ultimate" dork in my post title instead of "Ultima" dork. I feel much better now.
I'm still 700+ from my next upgrade.
I can't believe there are guys with posts in the five-digit range.
I'm going to have to spam more to get that high.
I'm going to have to spam more to get that high.
I just turned into a SuperDork in my last post. Where's my cape?
In reply to DoctorBlade:
I have to admit, that although I didn't really care all that much before, I did make the last 4 or 5 posts just to get over the top.
Do you get 72 virgins or a new Miata or something?
You forgot about the beatings. Blood in, blood out. 
Ya'll are still just a bunch of tards. I mean dorks.
5/17/13 9:54 a.m.
I love seeing these posts.
5/20/13 3:19 p.m.
yeah .... me too ... they remind me just how far I've come and how far I have to go