I, for one, do mind this kind of stuff. Greatly. Unless I'm explicitly asking for directions, frankly it is no ones business but my own where I'm going or what I'm doing. My GPS toggles are OFF though, at all times, until I need directions.
I don't need sprint or google or our (redacted) to push ads at me because I drive by Home Depot everyday, or suggest places that I need to go. And I sure as E36 M3 don't need them knowing when I'm at the bar, or at somewhere maybe I shouldn't be.
I do wonder how whatever algorithms watching over the data feel about seeing me do hot laps in parking lots every month though.
While I appreciate Huckleberrys reference, I also see it as an almost inevitable future with the automated cars.
Get your foil hats ready, but between the XBox Kinect, Siri, GoogleNow, and whatever Sony's version of Kinect is, is just waiting, listening, watching everything, until they hear the keywords. Whether those words mean "put on sports center" "take me to 3234 East West North Street" or whatever, they're always listening. Even certain smart tv brands explicitly state deep in the user manual NOT to say anything in front of the devices you don't want to share with advertisers.
It just amazes and astounds me what privacy, and security, people willingly give up for convenience these days.
Yes, I own a smart TV and a smart phone, and a laptop(with physically disabled webcam and microphone). To the best of my abilities, I control every bit of data going to and from them at all times. What ComCrap, Sprint, or whoever does outside of my abilities I'm SOL on, but my personal goal is to make it as hard as possible for anyone but me to see because it's no ones business but my own.
What's really frightening to me, again slight tangent, is seeing universities and even private citizens finding ways to get data without the internet. Seriously crazy E36 M3, like matching the frequency of a hard drive spinning to pull data that it's writing off of it, or matching the frequencies of processors and extrapolating data just from the white noise.
Maybe I'm too paranoid(possible). Maybe the people that think I'm crazy for thinking this way are just absurdly deep in denial(very possible).