I just found out our 14 year old dog Scout is going to have to be put down. She's been limping for about a week so Colleen took her to the vet this morning. Turns out she has bone cancer and her right rear leg is beyond repair. As hard as it is for me, I cannot imagine what Colleen is going through. She's had Scout since she was a puppy, and has been her best friend for the last 14 years.

That's a hard thing to hear. :(
I still miss my old girl I put down in January.
So sorry to hear it. I lost my first lab to bone cancer. It was not a good time.
6/20/11 2:56 p.m.
BTDT, and know the pain. God Bless.

Sorry - it just sucks, but remember the joy Scout brought you guys.
I am so sorry to hear about your buddy, they are never easy to let go.
So sorry to hear that. Few things are as heart-wrenching as saying goodbye to a canine friend. My buddy Olaf made it to 13, and although he's been gone for nearly 7 years, I still think of him often, and tell stories of his greatness frequently.
Sounds like a lucky dog to have had a loving home for his whole life.
Olaf during better days....

Thanks all. The part that really sucks is other than a bum leg and some occasional leaky pipes, she's in great shape and is as happy as can be. She has had several tumors removed, so we kinda always thought it would be cancer that finally got her. Doesn't make it any easier to take though.
These pics were taken about a month or two ago.
Sorry for your loss. My faithful companion of 18 years died just last week, just a few days after his 19th birthday. I'm devastated as you can imagine.

It's been near four years, and I am still not ready for another...
At least we still have this lunatic. I just hope she doesn't chew the house apart since she soon won't have scout to keep her company.
She looks tough, but I have a feeling she's going to have a really hard time with this too. She's secretly a HUGE softie.
That sucks. Seems we know that it is going to happen but we are never ready for it.
6/20/11 6:27 p.m.
I know it's going to be borderline intolerable when I lose my two cats.
I'm so sorry for your pain and loss.
The image of her going is going to be very rough to get over, but you have to be with her for her final moments. 
Best wishes...
6/20/11 6:33 p.m.
I'm so sorry for your sad news. 
Remember the fun and good times, and start puppy shopping.
Hope things get better for you.
I loved the picture of Olaf, Joe. Its my wallpaper now
I can only wish you the best in getting through this. Short of losing a human loved one, there is nothing worse.
Look at it this way, at least you will be saving scout a lot of pain
6/20/11 7:29 p.m.
This is sad news, Joey. Losing a furry friend is still losing a friend. It gets better with time and you still have another to help fill the void.
So long, Scout!
Say hello to the fat guy (in my avatar) when you get there.