OK, over the next week we're moving from a .25 acre lot in the 'burbs to a 1.5 ac lot in the country. Kids are begging for a dog and we always used the excuse our current place was too small, maybe when we move... :nice: Funny how kids can forget something you asked them to do 2 minutes ago but remember stuff like this....
Anyway, my initial reaction was adult Golden Retriever - we're not going to try the puppy route for now at least. But we have a creek that runs through part of the property and given their love of water I'm not sure I want to keep up with a constantly wet and muddy dog trying to get in the house. Other than that and the fact they're a long hair shedding dog I really can't find a strike against GR's.
I've also thought about a Beagle - but how vocal are they really? We have a 6 yr old (boy) and a 13 yr old (girl) and my wife homeschools them both so they are home most of the time during the day. I'm also mildly allergic to dogs but not enough to warrant getting a poodle! :grin:
Advice? Suggestions?