Yup the vote was all Democrats minus 30 against all Republicans.
And if you think the Republicans had any chance of proposing any other options you are sadly mistaken. Until the elections in November the Dems can do anything they want which is why they have been rushing things thru.
3/22/10 2:57 p.m.
93celicaGT2 wrote:
tuna55 wrote:
What's a constitution?
No insurance company can turn you down for preexisting condition. Nice. So you don't need insurance until something goes wrong. I'll call State Farm when I've wrapped the Volvo around a tree, call my homeowners insurance and start a policy as my house burns down... I wonder if they'll expand this to animals, PETA says they are people too! My dogs both need hip replacement - can they be denied for preexisting condition?
That scenario won't happen.
Whether you need the insurance or not, you MUST HAVE IT COMRADE.
I was mentally skipping forward to the point where everyone realizes that the fine is cheaper than the insurance and stops paying for insurance until they need to pay a bill. Good point, though, comrade.
3/22/10 3:00 p.m.
carzan wrote:
Didn't Rush say he was leaving the country if the bill passed, or am I thinking of something else?
I thought they were Canadian.
racerfink wrote:
Also, an interview with medical students now reports that many are worried that they will not make anywhere near the amount needed to pay back student loans for MANY years down the road.
You must have missed the part of the "healthcare" bill that made the federal government the only entity allowed to make school loans. I'm sure there will be a special provision for doctors and teachers and social justice degrees. That is as long as the school you attend is "approved"
BTW there was a bi-partisan vote this past Sunday. I guess some of you missed it because the bi-partisan group voted against the bill rather than for it. Makes you wonder just how screwed we are since the dems couldn't even get all their people to vote for it. Then again maybe Obama just ran out of money to buy votes with.
As usual the government screwed the people that actually make this country great.
Good book you might want to read.
The Forgotten Man by Amity Shlaes
Man I was really hoping no one would start this thread. 
3/22/10 4:36 p.m.
RX Reven' wrote:
Something has got to give and I can’t help but suspect this is part of the fundamental plan.
(Yes, you posters that derive so much enjoyment ridiculing others as tin hat nut jobs can have a field day with what I just said…knock yourselves out)
So at some point we’ll hear…oh my gosh, more and more Americans are falling below the poverty level, something must be done…you know, for the kids.
No ridicule from this side of the keyboard. This is most assuredly what it is all about - more and more government control of what we're supposedly too stupid to do for ourselves.
Well, guess what breeds such stupidity? The idea that the government will fix anything you broke for you. It's only gonna go deeper down this spiral, folks.
I doubt very much the CBO budget estimate included any of the costs associated with the pork that got passed out to get this bill passed. Water rights for CA, what water rights for CA.....?
We have a couple of generations who have grown up on the hand out society and really have no concept of doing it themselves or even the Good Ol American way of rags to riches. They think they are entitled to be taken care of.
Like so many of the other bills that have been railroaded thru recently the title tells you very little about the content. Just wait till some of the other parts of the health bill are publicized like those water rights to California.
I am so glad the government is going to pay for my health insurance now, that I never have used anyway. It sure will be nice to have that extra money in my paycheck. /sarcasm
If the current system we have is really the best then it will win, whats everyone so afraid of?
There is so much crazy and paranoia in this thread, I don't even have to jump in....
Carry on folks.

Duke wrote:
Well, guess what breeds such stupidity? The idea that the government will fix anything you broke for you. It's only gonna go deeper down this spiral, folks.
That isn't what breeds it. There was more to the New Deal than just hand-outs. What breeds it is a government dictated public school system. Look back on your Social Studies and History from school... anybody hear anything about genocide in the Phillipines? Taking American Indian children away from their parents for assimilation as late as 1940s? Sanctions against Japan's oil and natural resources supplies just weeks before they attacked us?
Flounder that.
In reply to carguy123:
at 60 years old, aren't you right on the money for one of those generations?
ignorant wrote:
There is so much crazy and paranoia in this thread, I don't even have to jump in....
Carry on folks.
And burying your head in the sand doing what the gov't tells you is so much better. I don't know what I was thinking. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
Welcome to the official point where folks will look back and say, what where they thinking?
So basically everybody that pays taxes just got a 3-8% non-deductible tax increase, and the government just got its grip on the throat of healthcare.
Not having health insurance is now a FEDERAL crime, and if you make around $150K a year, you are no longer welcome in America, but your money is.
Welcome to Great Britain, circa 1980
At least we can look forward to punk revival?
In reply to mtn:
I know. The guy who started it is such a jerk.
Bobzilla wrote:
And burying your head in the sand doing what the gov't tells you is so much better. I don't know what I was thinking. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
you took the troll bait
you took the troll bait..
Good Job!
btw.. I don't bury my head in the sand. I welcome this change. It was not everything I voted for, but it's a start.
Krugman sumed it up best today.
"And here we are: Social Security still stands, and health reform — imperfect, compromised, but real — has happened."
joey48442 wrote:
In reply to carguy123:
at 60 years old, aren't you right on the money for one of those generations?
Yup, I was one of those elementary school kids that was for Kennedy and thought that hand outs would be great since I'd be getting them. Unfortunately I was the wrong color for them. Those were the actual words used to me the one time I was destitute and needed a handout.
So I'm not one of those guys cause I never could get my "entitlement".
The guy on AM radio said biblical judgment starts on 5/21/11, so there's nothing, really, to get flustered about.
3/22/10 6:42 p.m.
joey48442 wrote:
In reply to mtn:
I know. The guy who started it is such a jerk.
shiny happy person really. Probably should be banned. Or give everybody bacon, and Samoa cookies as a peace offering.
Yeah, that sounds right.
I'll take the Bacon, the wife will take the cookies.
ignorant wrote:
Krugman sumed it up best today.
"And here we are: Social Security still stands, and health reform — imperfect, compromised, but real — has happened."
Krugman was awarded a prize funded by the profits of the inventor of WMDs.
Perhaps it's appropriate since he (Krugman) advocates an economic equivalent?
the end is near and the sky is falling!
any change is bad... no reform anywhere, ever again!
our only hope is to tune into talk radio so they can tell us what to think next!
GlennS wrote:
the end is near and the sky is falling!
any change is bad... no reform anywhere, ever again!
our only hope is to tune into talk radio so they can tell us what to think next!
Nobody said change was bad. This "reform" bill, however, is.
GlennS wrote:
our only hope is to tune into talk radio so they can tell us what to think next!
Instead we should tune into the government and having them tell us what to think? I'll pass on both of those, thanks for asking. Oh wait they didn't ask did they.