zomby woof wrote:
93celicaGT2 wrote:
I'm not singling you out, trust me...
But care to explain why the insurance companies are what's tanking the health care system?
Sure you're singling me out, you're just being nice about it
Profit at the expense of your health.
Who do you trust more (or who do you distrust less), your government, or the insurance companies?
Well... i promise, i'm really not. I think at least a third of the population is with you in what you think. You just happened to voice it for them.
I'm asking the question of all of you.
But you just answered my question. Here's my reply:
Health insurance =! health care.
Yes, they profit at the expense of your health. (kindof. they make more money if never get sick, so i guess they profit at the expense of your GOOD health.) No, the profits aren't anywhere near the percentage you would expect. The government profits FAR more from you, me, or whoever. And one important point is missed. The insurance companies save YOU a buttload of money. (unless you're 100% healthy and NEVER go to the doctor in your lifetime.)
The anger is completely misplaced. The insurance companies actively try to keep their rates as low as possible while still staying in the black, because that's what makes the consumer happy, and increases their membership, let's them grow.
Premium rate increases are REACTIONARY. If you were to see an EOB over here from an insurance company, it would probably be easier to understand.
As for your question? I trust the insurance company FAR more than the government.
Take what i say with a grain of salt if you wish, since i could be viewed as biased. (I work for the biggest insurance company in the US.) I prefer to think of my view as "informed" or "the counterview to the uninformed."
The problem is that the vast majority of what the average person knows about insurance is merely what they see being paid to the insurance company. They don't know anything else other than "Man.... i just had to pay that out." It stops there.
You don't want to see what would happen if the insurance companies didn't exist. We play a part in regulating providers' charges. But we can only regulate to a point, and then after that point, the provider drops their contract, and we can no longer save you money with that provider.