Folding rulers, and old school angle finder. They were used a lot on the boat.

My metal lathe is 67 years old.
My air compressor is 43 years old and still available new, but expensive.
My vehicles are all fairly old.
I recently bought a 5hp outboard engine. It's 56 years old.
Mostly, I just prefer old stuff. It's sometimes cheaper, easier to repair, better built and lasts longer.
Does this fall under the "still available to purchase rule"?
I cleaned out my dad's house this summer and found this exact phone - I cleaned it up, wired it, and mounted it in my garage. It works and you can dial out on it. The downside is I never know who is calling and if I want to answer it when it rings.
When my 12 year old has girlfriends over and they tell us they have to call their parents I point them to use this phone and they stare and are never sure what to do.

11/16/14 9:01 a.m.
Wally wrote:
84FSP wrote:
Pretty sure my wife introduced me to the shower beer. She's a keeper.
Beer is easy. My wife got me a shower toaster. She seems very excited for me to try it out.
I don't think she likes you. Common sense says that this is a really bad idea. The toast will get wet and go all soggy.

Toyman01 wrote:
Folding rulers, and old school angle finder. They were used a lot on the boat.
I have one (and use) of those that was my dad's. It has a patent date of 1887 on it.
Strictly speaking, they're called a sliding T bevel.
I have one of those an the folding ruler too.
I would use my reel mower but the iron wheels are worn and they slip on the grass.
Too lazy to fix.
In reply to Datsun310Guy:
I keep one corded phone in the back bedroom. Always works when the power goes out.
11/17/14 7:52 p.m.
Safety razor with brush and shaving cream every. I daily drive a 1990 alltrac, isn't that old school enough? Car's three years younger than myself.