First, let's get this out of the way. I currently use an Iphone 3 because it was given to me for free when my previous phone leaped from my grasp, bounced off of my kayak and went into the ocean. I use my phone to make calls, get texts from work and look up something on Google maps about 4 times a year. I don't need tons of features- I don't even have my email linked to my phone.
I wanted to use the GoPro application to aim my GoPro at the upcoming rallycross and while fishing in my kayak, and the app won't run on my phone. My first thought was to get an Iphone 3GS since that is pretty much the phone I have and it will run the app.
However, I know nothing about phones since I care so little about them. A friend said that the Galaxy 3 mini might work, but it isn't on the list, so I'm not sure, even though it is supposedly an Android 4.1 device.
Given my ignorance, I thought I'd ask the brain trust here and see if I'm being stupid.
Here are my requirements:
It has to be cheap.
I don't want a big phone. I like the size of my Iphone 3, since it fits in my pocket without being intrusive to anything.
It has to work on AT&T. I don't like AT&T, but I don't like Verizon or any other carrier, either. What I do like about AT&T is that there is that there are HUGE, well documented blind spots to coverage where I go on vacation. Work can not reach me, no matter how much they try. This is a good thing.
It has to run the Gopro application, obviously. So, the list is:
iPhone/iPad/iPod touch:
iPhone 3GS, 4, 4S, 5 (iOS 6)
iPod Touch 4 (iOS 6)
iPad 1, 2, 3, & mini (iOS 6)
HTC Thunderbolt and similar Android 2.3 & 4.x devices
Motorola Droid X2 and similar 4.x devices
Samsung Galaxy Nexus 4G and similar 4.x devices
Samsung Galaxy Tablet and similar 4.x devices
Google Nexus 7 and similar 4.x devices
HTC One X and similar 4.x devices
Windows Phone 81:
Nokia Lumia 920, 920T and similar devices