Its an animal-human-alien thingy...
Huffington Post said:
Four teenagers in Panama claim they encountered a creature that was photographed, dead on a rock.
It appears to have an animal-like head, but a strange body with skinny, human like arms. Some say it's an alien while others say it's an animal that's never been seen before.
The teens said, the creature was alive when they found it and it started coming after them, so they threw rocks and sticks at it, killing it.
Zoologists in Panama said they're not sure what it is, but it appears to be a dead fetus of some kind.

9/21/09 12:02 p.m.
The last photo shows GINGIVITIS!
Them Panamanian kids on the beach are mean with rocks. I was walking on the beach in Panama once, west coast, up near Costa Rica. This kid, maybe 7-8 years old was there walking too, so we walked together a while. My Spanish at that time was not hospital Spanglish like today, but mostly ordering beer at the bar Spanish, so we couldn't communicate very well. Anyway, we were walking along and he suddenly stops, takes a home made slingshot out of his pocket, picks up a rock and beans an iguana at about 20-30 ft, killing it.
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
9/21/09 12:24 p.m.
Iguana, it's what's for dinner.
One of my fave books, "War of the Newts" , is coming true.
How come nobody can take a decent picture of the unexplained? I mean... most phones have 4MP cameras... how hard is it to take a clear picture of a clay model er, heh... um... alien being?
This guy claims to know exactly what it is -- a sloth
why don't the damn zoologist ask the kids to take them to the rock so they can figure it out?
andrave wrote:
why don't the damn zoologist ask the kids to take them to the rock so they can figure it out?
They figure the chupacubra already came and ate it.
9/21/09 12:52 p.m.
Why the hell does every single mumified dog, badly decomposed racoon and aborted whatever that is end up on international news as a "mystery animal"? I'm seriously sick off this E36 M3.
Per Schroeder wrote:
Iguana, it's what's for dinner.

Some say it has an animal-like head, but a strange body with skinny, human like arms. Some say it's an alien while others say it's an animal that's never been seen before.
All we know is, it's called the stig.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
Some say it has an animal-like head, but a strange body with skinny, human like arms. Some say it's an alien while others say it's an animal that's never been seen before.
All we know is, it's called the stig.
Well done!
It bears repeating.
WilD wrote:
Why the hell does every single mumified dog, badly decomposed racoon and aborted whatever that is end up on international news as a "mystery animal"?
Partly because so many people do not go places or spend time where theymight encounter actual, unmanaged, inconvenient nature.
It does look like a Sloth. You can see one of the long fingers in the top picture as well as some of the very thick fur they are normally covered with (in the upper left hand corner).
9/21/09 3:48 p.m.
I am speechless. I never would've thought sloths had the capacity for space travel, but it turns out they do, they came to our planet, and chose Panama as a place to visit, and while sunning themselves naked one of them was killed by flying rocks.
I think you nailed it there, TJ. However, I wouldn't be surprised if the sun contributed to the alien sloth's death. I was on the flying bridge once with my shirt off for about 45 minutes going though "The Cut" in the Panama Canal, and I was burned to a crisp. The sun there is seriously brutal. Maybe the sun burned the space hair off the sloth, then flying rocks from 8 year old Panamanians finished it off.
I think it is pretty obvious that this is no mystery just a Rapid Clown unmasked 
9/21/09 8:24 p.m.
In reply to Dr. Hess:
Flying bridge of what? I too went through the canal on a vessel with a flying bridge and also got a sunburn.
9/21/09 9:41 p.m.
Sloth dies, washes out to sea, decomposes, bloats, beaches. Kids see it, photograph, concoct story.
[irish cop][twirling baton] Nothing to see here folks, show's over. Go on back home.[/twirling baton] [/irish cop]
TJ, that particular one was a jumbolized T2 tanker, the SS Cove Explorer, I think. I was on several Cove ships. You may have shaved with it this morning, as it's razor blades today. That was the one that we almost took out the Golden Gate Bridge with when they let the smoke out of the main engine (T2's had a turbo-electric plant). On subsequent trips through the canal, I was careful enough not to expose myself to the sun like that. I sailed for 7 years before getting stoopid and going to school.
alex, if that's what really happened, then how did the sloth get into outer space?
9/22/09 11:21 a.m.
Oh, that's where it died, of course. Sorry to gloss over that.
9/22/09 11:46 a.m.
The Arkillian Sloths are going to be real mad that we killed their leader. Hopefully they don't come and destroy our planet.
WilD wrote:
Why the hell does every single mumified dog, badly decomposed racoon and aborted whatever that is end up on international news as a "mystery animal"? I'm seriously sick off this E36 M3.
I would rather hear about "mystery animals" than Cattle mutilation, But both are stupid topics.