Appleseed said:
Nothing better for hauling dead motorcycles home. You like dead motorcycles don't you?
I have one lol.

It's a 2004 Honda Helix that I paid $300 for. It turns over, has spark and good compression but I'm pretty sure there is a fuel issue.
I stuffed it in my Transit Connect van to get it home:

I pulled the outer bearing out of the hub and found the part number. It's a 30205 bearing which is metric.

That is why none of the SAE measurements I was making made sense.
Apparently, this is the same size bearing that the small HF trailers use. However, none of the 5x4.5 hubs use this size bearing. They all use L44643 bearings which are very close.
Would it be OK to buy the hubs that use the SAE bearing sizes and swap just the bearings and seals? I don't have a good way to pull the races out of the hubs. Can I run the metric bearings on the SAE races since they are nearly the same size?