GameboyRMH wrote:
Otto Maddox wrote:
In reply to GameboyRMH:
That's probably criminal.
What? I can make a box of piss juice if I want. It's a free country. If somebody else steals it, it's not my fault
Nah such a prank probably would get you sent to juvie and registered as a sex offender these days...
I did stuff as a 10 year old kid that would probably get a 10 year old kid tried as an adult these days...
Well I have had time to sleep on it. It isnt just me that the guy is taking from and it isnt just food either. He is taking sodas out of peoples lunches when there is a water fountain right next to the fridge, and to top it all off, he has been caught by a fellow employee stealing smokes out of another employee's car. Nothing was said about the cigs because tobbacco isnt allowed on company grounds, so people just hide them in glove-compartments.
I see it as this guy is just a thief and needs to learn a lesson. I have had people at work offer to help me with this.
If he's truly a thief, then I wouldn't feel bad about an exploding bag of baby powder.

Cole_Trickle wrote:
Well I have had time to sleep on it. It isnt just me that the guy is taking from and it isnt just food either. He is taking sodas out of peoples lunches when there is a water fountain right next to the fridge, and to top it all off, he has been caught by a fellow employee stealing smokes out of another employee's car. Nothing was said about the cigs because tobbacco isnt allowed on company grounds, so people just hide them in glove-compartments.
I see it as this guy is just a thief and needs to learn a lesson. I have had people at work offer to help me with this.
OOOOOH!!! Now we know what kinda jerk we're dealing with. This needs to get really creative really fast. I've always been partial to the laxative chocolate cookies, as everyone loves cookies. Maybe something on the rim of a coke can that's really hot or leaves a mark/stain. I dunno, but something needs to be done.
Conquest351 wrote:
I dunno, but something needs to be done.
People with their jaw wired shut rarely steal anything they have to chew.
I'd love to see what this guy is posting on another message board: I stole that tool's lunch again. Ha!
David S. Wallens wrote:
I'd love to see what this guy is posting on another message board: I stole that tool's lunch again. Ha!
Stupid amounts of cayenne , chili powder ect on sandwich . Also you can put cinnamon extract you get from the flea market for decorative flower aromas on baggie/ sandwich . If he wipes his ass or face they will burn like no bodys business . Also cinnamon the wheel of the fork lift . Enjoy . PS get a locking lunch box with your name on it .