12/5/11 2:28 p.m.
Get your mind out of the gutters people! (and sorry for bringing you there with me).
So, to the point. I am watching Season 8, episode 1 of Top Gear on Netflix and noticed there are only 15 seasons available. What the heck am I supposed to do when I've watched them all? I'm talking times that I can't be out in the garage as that's usually when I'm watching it.
I'm afraid I'm going to end up in my chair, remote in hand, staring at a blanc TV screen, or even worse, longing for Speed Channel!
Go to streetfire.net and watch season 16. Then, when season 17 starts in a few weeks continue watching them there.
12/5/11 2:31 p.m.
Then you watch all of the Wheeler Dealer episodes. Then you watch Fifth Gear. Then it's Top Gear America.
Well once you have done what you need to behind closed doors, buy some car related books.
You can also look up all the specials the individual hosts have done on their own. I especially like James May's Toy Stories and James May's Big Ideas, but the other two have their own specials as well. A lot of them are on Streetfire or other similar sites.
Also, look for shows by a guy named Mark Evans. He's a vet in the UK who likes to restore or build things - cars, motorcycles, airplanes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Is_Born_series
Netflix has Star Trek: Deep Space 9 available on Instant in its entirety...
By the time you've finished watching season 16, you will have forgotten enough about season 2 to start watching it again. I'm on season 12 for the second time.
Once you finish all of those, and Breaking Bad, it's time to start watching The Wire all over again. 
12/5/11 3:01 p.m.
Man, I like the way you guys think......
X files is on there too
You in the US? BSG is on there too - we don't have it in Kanuckistan. 
Twin Peaks is also on US Netflix
DrBoost wrote:
What's BSG?
The new one was soooo freaking awesome. I first watched it on Netflix Instant and would watch like 3-4 episodes in a row; I couldn't put it down, like a good book.
12/5/11 8:04 p.m.
Also, Firefly, (and Serenity).
I finally got around to watching Firefly myself, and now I totally understand all the nerd-hype surrounding it. Brilliant show.
Read, learn! I'm going to cuddle up with this book when I'm off from school for winter break.
Practice for the Wed. night races on GRM GT5 racing league so you can show up and whip our butts every Wed. night. The current 2 series just started and we're racing touring cars and a shuffle series which is very challenging.
post whore more on the board......
start writting the great novel that everyone seems to want to write about...expact in this case it all about being acar addict and the weird people on a message board who keep giving you more bad ideas to speand time and money on that you never seem to finish anything this first time around.....
now go watch top gear again......
There's Star Trek: Next Generation in it's entirety, a couple seasons of Mad Men, Weeds...there's actually quite a bit of good television on there. If you get the DVDs in the mail, too, there's The Wire, all sorts of stuff.
12/6/11 6:04 a.m.
DrBoost wrote:
What the heck am I supposed to do when I've watched them all? I'm talking times that I can't be out in the garage as that's usually when I'm watching it.
Watch it again while you're in the house using the oven (wife not home, of course) to bake the stuff you powder coated.
12/6/11 2:51 p.m.
JoeyM wrote:
DrBoost wrote:
What the heck am I supposed to do when I've watched them all? I'm talking times that I can't be out in the garage as that's usually when I'm watching it.
Watch it again while you're in the house using the oven (wife not home, of course) to bake the stuff you powder coated.
Oohhh, she would find out. Then she would make me hurt in places I can't even touch.
Burn Notice
Black Adder
Black Books
Parks and Recreation
30 Rock
There, that should keep you busy until the sun comes up.