Our bird thing has been getting some local press lately. Whenever things slow down for the local papers and info sites my phone seems to ring and someone wants to do a parrot story.
I guess that basically cements our reputation as the "crazy bird people," but I suppose there are worse things to be known for.
That's all fine and good, but why aren't you playing Forza 2 with the Spec Mini racers like you should be?

Just kidding. That's a nice article.
We just adopted an African Grey a year ago. He's got the telephone sounds down, he mimicks me pretty well, and he barks. What fun!
He seems to be more attached to our dog, Molly, than the humans though. We're working on that.
Yeah... iRacing stole my heart away from Forza a bit. I'll be back, though.
I've been a fan of the magazine for a while, and I do enjoy it usually, although lately I must admit I've been finding some issues hit or miss.
My chief complaint about the magazine would have to be JG Pasterjak post where he brags about his brand new parrot.
I mean parrots in Grassroots Motorsports magazine can be viewed as being iffy, but acceptable considering you know, finches, pidgeons, songbirds, and the like.
But a guy who gets rich off of our subscription money, and then rubs our faces in his brand new parrot is just not cool. His rather boring production and art direction where he flaunts his own leadership and business skills are nauseating, and it just seems like he's trying to make us feel that he earned this bird of his that he praises just as much as he praises himself.
I mean fine produce and art direct the magazine, earn some money, buy a cool bird! Maybe he does deserve it, it is a good magazine. But having a bird that clearly does not fit into the scope of the magazine a Project Bird?? WTF is up with that??, other than an obvious tax write-off. And then go on about how a 42 thousand dollar bird is just as good as a 57 grand eagle with some tweaks, is that REALLY making you square with your Grassroots readers JG? Oh and bragging about how his the aviandays he goes to "attract some more upscale birds"
Sounds more than a little douchey to me.
Is it really that good? I need to build a better computer to use it, but it's in the works in a year or so.
For the record, both of our dogs were freebies. They haven't made the paper yet, however.
David S. Wallens wrote:
For the record, both of our dogs were freebies. They haven't made the paper yet, however.
Is that why your carpet has those brown stains?
Hey, that's pretty funny. Actually, they poop outside. It's what God intended.
Somehow I guessed this thread would be about you and your berkeleying birds.
poopshovel wrote:
Somehow I guessed this thread would be about you and your berkeleying birds.
So how's being a nonsmoker working out for you, Mike?
David, not only does my beagle go outside, but she will not poop during walks.
Actually, I'm not entirely sure she poops at all. She's very discreet.
Beagle!! Wow, you are a glutton for punishment! 
My sister has a Beagle. I told here she needs to name him "Bad Dog" since that is pretty much all he hears (he's a bit better now that he is older)
Beagles are cool, but they're not easy dogs. Too smart, and stubborn, for their own good.
12/11/08 2:38 a.m.
David S. Wallens wrote:
Actually, they poop outside. It's what God intended.
Ha! My place in heaven is guarenteed!
New Reader
12/11/08 3:08 a.m.
My beagle is a pain in the ass. I do love him though almost as much as the ack russel and golden retriever.
I almost hate to say this, but each time you post about your birds, JG, I get a picture of you in one of those fluffy pirate shirts, patch over one eye, peg leg, and a bird on your shoulder.
Not sure why that comes to mind....
Nah, Eric, it's more cargo shorts and a world-of-warcraft t-shirt with poo on the shoulder. 
And don't let Baxter fool you--he told me the other day that his dog had eaten ANOTHER phone. (On the plus side, it's probably the only beagle whose colon has voicemail.)
It is better then being the "cat person" of the neighborhood 
Nah, Margie, the beagle doesn't eat phones. That's the other dog.
Ohhhh. So the beagle's your "good" dog? 
JG Pasterjak wrote:
poopshovel wrote:
Somehow I guessed this thread would be about you and your berkeleying birds.
So how's being a nonsmoker working out for you, Mike?
The smack REALLY takes the edge off.
12/11/08 10:31 a.m.
nice article! I enjoyed it.
I no longer have birds, but did for many years. "Rocky" my cockatoo got me in trouble several times with the police. anytime wed get a new neighbor, Id get a ticket... He took to yelling "HELP!" when he was alone in the house (with the other birds, but no people,) inevitably the new neighbor would call the police thinking someone was in trouble, theyd look in the window and find him staring back at them yelling "HELP!!, I want peanut butter!!" they stopped finding it amusing after the first few times, and started writing me $75 noise violation tickets... id get one at least quarterly...
big birds are scary smart, rocky would form his own simple sentences, not just mimic. I over heard him talking to the quaker parrot we bought to keep him company one day saying "no, my toy." the quaker was playing with rockys wood blocks..sent a shiver down my spine.. there were many other instances like that as well, he couldnt hold a real conversation, but his vocabulary was immense and he could put words together in very basic forms.
hed also climb up onto the couch and lay down in my lap and go to sleep, like a small dog would...
We lost him to brain cancer... and yes, i paid tons of money for chemo for him... there are only half a dozen or so "real" avian specialist doctors in the us, and they are expensive..
I wouldnt have birds again though, especially large smart ones, they are a huge commitment...
My red lored amazon, Tito, passed away two days ago from liver failure.
I'm gonna miss him. Never learned to talk but was really friendly and loved everybody. He spent the last month at our local avian vet but nothing seemed to help.