About 6 years ago Joe and I bought a bunch of cars from a gentleman who's father had passed away. We hauled out a few Fiat Multiplas, some Fiat 600's and a pair of 1200 Trasformibles. Yesterday we finally went back for the 3 other Fiat 600's we deemed low on the priority list. We seem to always have a few Zagato bodied Abarth cars that need hard to find pieces with no other source.
We headed south to Creswell and were greeted by over 80 derelict cars of varying degrees of awesomeness. I snapped about 40 photos and could have taken another 100 but my SD card was too full of music to take any more. The seller told me that in the 70's he and his brother would buy interesting cars for $50 or less and park them on the property if and when they stopped running. Dad also had a car lot in the 80's and a fair bit of the cars came from there. Most of the area is a marsh for 9 months of the year so summer is the only time you can get to them. He takes deposits all year and you haul them out from June to August.
Here is a taste of the sadness
Honda 305?
Ford Anglia
One of the Fiat 600's
Another 600
Cool Bertone bodied NSU sport prinz and a random animal carcass
One of 6 stove bolt Chevys
This one hurt. I LOVE Datsun 1200's and this one is just too far gone
Lots of 30's trucks. Seriously, like 12 of them!
Strangely not rotted bicycle
This thing has been tugging at my heart strings. I might go back and make a really low offer on it. I have no use for it but, I can't stop thinking about it. Cushman? Any thoughts? Electric three wheeler.
How rad is this Dodge Colt/Mitsubishi wagon?
More stuff
Stash 'o' Model T fenders. There was another stack of frames
Yard art T
1914 Samson
Belly Tanker project he thinks is worth much more than it is
There was at least 6 piles of bikes like this
another 'vair
I spotted something that caught my eye in this field
A Ford Consul! Looks like a viable project too!
Another 600 we came to collect and a heartbreaker of a '59 Fiat 1100. The buy in was only $600 before haggling but I decided that with the amount of needed rust repair and dipping I would be better off buying a better car. So cool though.
There were so many other cars I didn't get pics of. A lowlight Karmann Ghia that had rusted in half at the A pillar. Over 2 dozen Datsun B210's. 50's Suburbans. I will be heading back out for one more 600 and hope to get some more pics.
Not sure if the seller is an optimist, great salesman or just clueless but he treats every car as if it is an easy restoration, even when they have a tree growing through them. Surprisingly he has titles for most of them.