Local craigslist ad for a 78' Granada has three different engines listed, only one of which is correct. At least the poster took a picture so I know what it really has.
1978 Ford Grenada ..... 128K miles
a true 'survivor car'
owned and garage kept by a mechanic in the business...
current PA inspection sticker
original everything....
4 door
6 cylinder.... AKA V-6
w/factory air
vinyl top - (no rips)
light yellow color - never repainted
V-8 engine - automatic
great condition
Are you sure the never repainted V8 and the V6 might not just be other things he's trying to get rid of?
it is definitely a straight 6 car. dunno which straight 6 but all Ford straights are pretty stout.
6cylinder, he's probably just keywording to get more exposure...
fixed it..my bad
'78 Fords had 3 straight sixes. 170, 200 & 250
1/8/10 5:59 p.m.
The Ford 300 I-6 was a beast, but that ain't it.
If I had to guess I would say the 200 I6. I had a 78 Fairmont with that engine. Not a horrible car, not a good car either. It was a good appliance car.
It's a 250. Most Granadas came through with them. The car was heavier than the Maverick it was based on.