My wife noticed the profuse drool coming out of my mouth while watching the episode of “How It’s Made” where they visited the Leatherman factory.
So which model should I be shocked to get for Christmas???
The “Wave” is the most popular model but I’m not sure if I need the scissors which would lean me towards the “Side Kick”.
What say you GRM’ers
11/19/12 2:45 p.m.
Been using a wave for almost 4 years now.
Ian F
11/19/12 2:51 p.m.
Once you have a pair of folding scissors in your pocket, you may wonder how you ever lived without it.
<== been carrying a Swiss Army knife around since middle school (about 30 years).
I still think the best is the first Leatherman Supertool. Just a bigger original with a few more tools and the simple locking mechanism. Not sure how hard it is to find on the used market. I wish I had one, when my dad bought his, he got my brother and I each an Original Leatherman. It is also solid and also out of production. They replaced mine twice under lifetime warranty. The second time it was a production error and had two medium flathead screwdrivers, but I use that size a lot, or at least more than I did the scratch awl that was left off, so I didn't send it back.
I have a Skeletool CX. Rarely do I find I need anything else, and it's not annoying to carry. The tools aren't much good if they're not in your pocket.
I won one as a door prize once. I have no idea of a model number or name. It stays in my 4runner and has come in handy on numerous tailgating parties.
I think I have the Charge AL.
Love it - comes in VERY handy during racing season.
I saw a post on here a few years ago and Keith mentioned the Skeletool.........thank you for that! 
I'd second the recommendation for the skeletool cx!
I still have one of the original Supertools, I bought it to take on deep woods dirt bike excursions. That is one well made piece of equipment! Even the big leather holster is solid and well made. I also have a Micra, it's pretty cool but not as useful as the Supertool.
I have a Wave and a Skeletool. Both get high marks for having pocket clips. The Wave sees the most use, though, for one simple reason: scissors.
11/19/12 3:40 p.m.
Another vote for the Wave.
It's a bit more pricey, though.
can open knife without opening handle. I can open/ close mine with one hand.
larger knife blade
better quality case. Don't care for the stamped/ brake formed cheaper models.
the screwdrivers suck, and the smaller tools are harder to open, but that's ok because...
... SCISSORS! Really. Sounds stupid, but you will always find a use for them.
I've carried a Skeletool CX daily for 4? Years. I couldn't live without it, it comes everywhere with me. Seriously, everywhere. It's seen everything from RC cars to numerous outboards (underwater!) to race cars to my cars to houses to dorms to Florida swamps... Get the picture? Last time I went swimming I forgot to clip it on my board shorts and my friends asked "Where's your knife?! Is something wrong?"
4 years of daily use and regular saltwater immersions haven't killed it, so I don't know what will. I'm planning on using it until it dies, them getting it replaced under warranty. XD
One note: whatever you get it's a good idea to spray it with a light oil a few times a year. This keeps it lubricated and rust free.
Oh, and I also keep a Wave in my backpack. It's a great tool, but too much to carry in a pocket IMHO.
11/19/12 4:44 p.m.
I carry my Wave in a belt case.
FYI, the blade on the regular Skeletool isn't as good a steel as the blade on the CX. It's worth the extra cost. I've never oiled mine and it shows no sign of rust, but I also don't go into the Florida swamps too often.
I've got an old-school Leatherman somewhere too, before they got all curvy. Don't think it has scissors. Good tool, but the fact that I'm not 100% sure where it is tells the story.
LainfordExpress wrote:
I still think the best is the first Leatherman Super Tool. Just a bigger original with a few more tools and the simple locking mechanism.
I have this. By far my favorite of all the leatherman's and I have had several of them over the years. My problem is people tend to "borough" them and they don't come back. I lost serial of them at various race events.
Find a place that sells guns and they will usually have them. I have a place in NH that purchases knifes from the TSA that are confiscated at security checkpoints. I just got a brand new looking Leatherman Super Tool with the leather case for $29.
11/19/12 5:34 p.m.
I have the "Crunch", and find I use it almost daily. It's held up for the last 10 years of use as vice grips, make shift welding clamp, and general use and abuse.
No scissors, but it have locking pliers instead of the standard pliers. The adjusting bolt for the locking pliers can come out for use with a 1/4" hex bit for torx and other bits.
While they don't have the holding power of vice grips, they work well and have a good range of adjustment for the locking.
I haven't been to the leather man web site recently, but there used to be a tool for selecting one based on hobbies, etc.
I carry a Gerber.. forget the model.. it's one of the early ones. I need and use it for work and I love having it around
I love my Wave. I've had it for 10 years and it and the case have held up wonderfully. The design has changed a bit since I've got mine but I can't imagine the quality has dropped.
11/19/12 7:39 p.m.
Another vote for the Skeletool. I got mine about 4 years ago and it has only left my pocket for air travel and courtrooms, and believe me, I wasn't happy about it. Hardly a day goes by that I don't use it. Having two sizes of phillips and slotted drivers is so damn handy - they're not the best screwdrivers in the world, but when it's in your pocket and you need it, it wins. The knife outside the tool that opens one handed is probably the best touch. And the whole tool has loosened up enough that I can open it one handed (with a bit of assistance from a belly or leg, but it keeps you from having to put down whatever you're working on).
Of course, the carabiner that doubles as a bottle opener probably gets the most use from me...
Mine lives in my back pocket next to my wallet. It's built in such a way that there are no rough edges to snag or tear things up or become really uncomfortable to sit on.
The best tool when you need it is the one you have at hand. And the Skeletool will be the one you don't think twice about carrying every day.
The ability to flick open a Gerber, as opposed to unfolding a Leatherman make it a pretty easy decision for many folk.
11/20/12 6:51 a.m.
I have a micra which is super handy for being on a keychain. I have had bad luck with gerber quality.
11/20/12 7:07 a.m.
Flick open a Gerber? You mean the pliers?
Every Gerber I've ever seen had weird and awkward locks on virtually all the blades. There is the one model which the pliers head flicks out (pretty cool), but the knife blade is small and awkward. OK if you need mostly pliers. I need a knife.
Is there a different Gerber I am not familiar with?
Leatherman = USA
Gerber = China
Your local REI store has a good selection so you can compare models. If you're in FL, sorry about that. You won't have an REI until Florida gets a mountain.