Hey what does that make me, I'm a Aussie, whiter than driven snow who got citizenship, but I'm caucasian so I get nuffin. Now my wife has American indian blood but that is so hard to prove she never tried. However if I say my great great great grandmother had sex with a Aboriginal do I become a minority.....
How freakin stupid is that............why can't we all just get along
1/26/09 6:37 p.m.
derekshannon wrote:
If your family makes more than $75k, you’re in the top 20% of wage earners, and that group pays 82.4% of federal income taxes collected.
Is that fair? Some think so.
Yes, but that top 20% also earns something like 78% of gross income in this country; and I don't believe that counts interest on investments and savings. (I am not bothering to look up the actual figure right now, but it's in that ballpark.)
I'm not saying that it is fair or not. But that statistic sounds more extreme than it really is.
aussiesmg wrote:
Hey what does that make me, I'm a Aussie, whiter than driven snow who got citizenship
Probably just makes you more qualified than anybody that is holding office in this country right now.
New Reader
1/26/09 7:13 p.m.
93celicaGT2 wrote:
Isn't Obama like.... 12.5% black? As long as we're bringing up figures....
Back in the day of the one-drop rule, Obama would have been classified solely as black.
93celicaGT2 wrote:
It's just all stupid. And i hate politics.
It is stupid indeed. I find politics fascinating, I find political parties disgusting.
93celicaGT2 wrote:
It's just all stupid. And i hate politics.
Yup. No matter who's in office, this is every political thread on the internet:
- Did you hear what that SOB (insert first politician's name here) did now..."
- "oh yeah, well, at least he's not (insert second, opposing politician's name here)"
- "oh yeah, well, [second politician] did [insert something bad]."
- "well, [first politician] did [something very bad involving interns, pages, fruit or household appliances]
- 'well at least [first politician] never [sordid thing involving massive failure of morals and or intelligence that politician two may or may not have actually done]
- I heard [politician 1]'s momma wears combat boots to bed.
- I heard [politician 2] had a secret love nest with Richard Gere and Hitler
- I heard [politician 1] IS Hitler reincarnated.
- followed by miscellaneous name calling and hurt feelings.
Three days later, somebody posts another ill-advised political hot-button topic, and it repeats, ad nauseum.
Personally, I'm way more interested in the stuff we all have in common and can learn from one another than somebody's political affiliation.
SvRex-SupraWes is in Gville and home prices did indeed increase 100% in a few short years. But no worry Wes-they have dropped 50% in the last 12 months.
1/26/09 7:54 p.m.
Mr. Joshua:
Sounds like a local and unique market condition- certainly not a national issue, nor even a regional issue, nor the responsibility of Mr Obama to fix. And I'm thinking that "a few short years" probably means more than 1 administration.
The discussion in question in this thread is a National issue of testimony given to Congress, and the Federally guided and sanctioned racial discrimination that exists in Federal contracts against white guys.
1/26/09 8:12 p.m.
4cylndrfury wrote:
B. As far as the "D" controled media? Ever heard of Rush Limbaugh, Hanity and Combes (Spell Check?) or Fox news? theres just as much "R" controled media claiming "the end is near" as "D"s saying "were saved!".
Limbaugh saying outright "I hope he fails" was DISGUSTING and the most un-American sentiment possible.
Big difference between "I hope he doesn't run us into the ground" (what I [and many otehrs] was saying in '04) and "I hope he fails".
...while stuff like this is in the backyards of rural America
(taken from another web board where a member's neighbor was doing this).
Boo-hoo--the old boy network might take a hit. I was never anywhere NEAR the old boy network. Most likely never will be.
Also, it's not like there are even enough bodies for there to be a massive workforce of black construction workers. They only have 12% of the population to draw from.
Things are so bad right now, I hope SOME people get work at some point.
1/26/09 8:28 p.m.
gamby wrote:
Limbaugh saying outright "I hope he fails" was DISGUSTING and the most un-American sentiment possible.
Big difference between "I hope he doesn't run us into the ground" (what I [and many otehrs] was saying in '04) and "I hope he fails".
I hope he fails isn't as bad as what the average person in NY has been saying about Bush, "I hope someone puts a bullet in that F'n bastards head" That started before he took office and lasted until he left. The upside down flag isn't new either. That was big here in 04 after Ohio "killed what was left of America"
Perhaps both sides need to calm down a little, huh?
I didn't say you were on a side, so there's no reason to be defensive.
Again, maybe BOTH sides, ALL sides, need to calm down a little.
Nobody labelled you. Sheesh.
lol. If only someone would say there was free beer, then we could all get along.
I swear those cacti are flipping me off
maybe the two sides were really "Baxter" and "douches". i'm not sure i like dividing it up that way.
Nobody labelled you. Sheesh.
That little argument reminded me of something:
"Huh, what do you mean YOU people?"
"What do YOU mean YOU people?!"
1/26/09 11:22 p.m.
gamby wrote:
Limbaugh saying outright "I hope he fails" was DISGUSTING and the most un-American sentiment possible.
Big difference between "I hope he doesn't run us into the ground" (what I [and many otehrs] was saying in '04) and "I hope he fails".
Gamby, did you even LISTEN to the quote? Obviously not.
Yes. Still crass and sad. He still forgets "maybe it'll work".
Wally wrote:
I hope he fails isn't as bad as what the average person in NY has been saying about Bush, "I hope someone puts a bullet in that F'n bastards head" That started before he took office and lasted until he left. The upside down flag isn't new either. That was big here in 04 after Ohio "killed what was left of America"
Meanwhile, down South there hare "Obama '08 Biden '09" Bumper stickers floating around. Sorry, there's a reason Obama's security is so epic. It's potential domestic threats--most likely from the deep south (followed by some wacko militiaman in the mid-west).
As disgusted as I was w/ W, I NEVER wished assassination on him.
1/26/09 11:32 p.m.
Obama really is a monster:
1/26/09 11:45 p.m.
Do not raise the minimum wage. Please. There is very little reason to, most (in the 95 % range?) of people earning minimum wage are high school and college age. It just makes my fatso-burger product more expensive.
Ok, thats all I have to say. I really don't care all that much about it, I just wanted to throw my flounder into the pool.
-Has earned minimum wage (or below) for three of the last five years
Just don't mention the poor quality of american cars. because that's very un-PC right now.
much like making fun of participants in the special olympics.
I thought this society was supposed to be colorblind. Sigh.
1/27/09 6:49 a.m.
This thread sure went downhill fast. Too bad, I think the issue is significant.
I agree, Jensenman.
Guess I was the idiot who actually believed Dr. King when he said, "I have a dream that my children will be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character".
AngryCorvair wrote:
maybe the two sides were really "Baxter" and "douches". i'm not sure i like dividing it up that way.
I am SO glad that I am on Baxters side ;)
I think what puts many people against the high wage earners are when we hear about them selling houses to family members for $100, sending jewelry and other very high value items to relatives and friends to secure them a sweet spot when they get out of jail.
Every millionaire is a nice guy until he gets worried he'll lose his money, then he becomes a corrupt SOB.
Me? I don't have any money to lose.