Luckily, my arbitrary cut off happened around 4PM, so I missed out on the pocket chicken Miata. At that point, the only recipe with any upvotes was the roadkill chicken deal. So, that was the winner.
Except, I didn't have all the ingredients, so this is how I made it:
Took 3 big ass chicken tiddies, and drenched them in a concoction of eggs, yoghurt, chicken broth, paprika, salt and pepper. If I squinted real hard, this sort of looked like "Cream of Something Soup". Then I grabbed an old bag of bread from the freezer, shredded it up, and plopped the chicken tiddies from the egg mixture over to the breading. I then arranged them in a 9" pie plate, and sprinked them with raw diced onion. I thought I was going to strike out on the bacon until I realized we had a pound of homemade bacon I'd been letting cure in the fridge. Grabbed 3 strips of that and laid it over the breaded chicken tiddies. Covered the whole mess with foil and into the ovenator at 425 for 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, I got a pot of water on the boil, cooked up a pound of spaghetti, and dumped the cooked s'ghetti into a colander. In the pasta pot I then melted 1/2 a stick of butter, into which I sautee'd about a half-dozen minced fresh garlic cloves. a little salt, a little pepper, some white wine vinegar, then dumped the s'ghetti intot he sauce, mixed it all up and added some dried parsley.
Around this time the chicken was done, so I unfoiled it and layered on motzarella- didn't have any swiss, and the kiddos don't really prefer it, anyway. Melted that for 5 minutes in the oven, then dished out the pasta with chicken brestesteseses on top. Threw together a quick salad for Mrs. VCH and myself, and cut up some raw veggies for the little VCHs, and called it a meal.
Thuh tiddies:
Thuh pasta:
All in attendance proclaimed it "edible".
Thanks for all the other recipes, too. I'll bookmark this page so I can come back to it the next time it's dad's turn to cook. Looking forward to trying some of your other creations.
Except the pocket chicken Miata one.