Otto Maddox wrote:
According to Esquire -
People in America expect it to taste like game meat, like buffalo or moose, but it tastes just like sweet filet mignon. Kangaroo is very lean; there's no fat on it at all.
Some of the best steaks I've ever eaten were Buffalo. It's similar to beef, but more flavorful, very tender, and not gamey. I also eat goat occasionally, and have no problem with horse. I have friends that eat dog meat. That makes me a little uncomfortable.
In reply to Giant Purple Snorklewacker:
So I've heard. I won't eat it for the same reasons others won't eat dog/cat/horse. I had em as pets growing up. Didn't have dogs/cats/horses though 
Sure, why not? I've had squirrel, venison, alligator (damn that was chewy) etc. I've had 'beefalo' (mixed cow and buffalo) and that was pretty good. I like catfish fried but not catfish stew. And yes I know what catfish eat.
Curmudgeon wrote:
Sure, why not? I've had squirrel, venison, alligator (damn that was chewy) etc. I've had 'beefalo' (mixed cow and buffalo) and that was pretty good. I like catfish fried but not catfish stew. And yes I know what catfish eat.
There is damn near nothing is tastier then catfish.
We fished a lot when I was a kid. One year we drove through the southern US on vacation, and I discovered that they eat catfish there.
I tried for years to eat it, but every time I caught one and kept it, my grandmother would get rid of it when I wasn't looking.
I've never eaten catfish.
12/1/11 6:53 p.m.
With the land animals, the vegetarian ones taste better. (Proven fact, that's also why all the hippies will be eaten first in the zombiepocalypse). So yeah, Horse could be tasty.
As for fish, it seems not to matter on taste/food chain but due to the facts that A: I'm allergic to shellfish, 2. Most salt-water fish also affects me, and finally III. I worked fisheries in the Coast Guard in the Pacific, and I'd rather eat a 2-month old raw pork mayo-which off of the bathroom floor at a rest-stop than fish, as it would be cleaner than 99% of our fish catching-and-processing boats/facilities...
12/1/11 6:53 p.m.
Sure, I'd try it. I'd like to try buffalo, beefalo, elk, caribou, ostrich and kangaroo too but I can't find any close by.
I do kinda draw the line at carnivores though so that leave out bears, dogs and cats...ok, maybe I'd try bear because there should be some big "beefy" bits to filet.
Maybe I'm wrong about carnivores. Pigs are omnivores and they are damned tasty.
And people don't eat catfish because of the fish's diet? Do they know what crabs, lobsters, shrimp, oysters and clams eat? Heck, mom told me plenty of times about how nasty chickens are in a farmyard. That doesn't stop me from visiting KFC on a regular basis.
I'd eat horse. I may even feel good about it, because most horses probably lead better lives than chickens, cows, or pigs.
What I find humorous about the horse meat fiasco is that horses were just getting shipped to Canada or Mexico for slaughter when it was illegal to do so here in the States.
I have never understood why people get so worked up about the kind of animals they eat. Go out and help slaughter a few sheep and you get over it.
My last night on Jeju Island (South Korea) I had a choice between local specialty pig, and local specialty horse. I chose pork, or should I say my wallet chose pork. Had the horse (borderline pony, their horses aren't very big but not quite pony small) been cheaper, I would have gone the other way on that one.
rmarkc wrote:
Sure, I'd try it. I'd like to try buffalo, beefalo, elk, caribou, ostrich and kangaroo too but I can't find any close by.
I do kinda draw the line at carnivores though so that leave out bears, dogs and cats...ok, maybe I'd try bear because there should be some big "beefy" bits to filet.
Maybe I'm wrong about carnivores. Pigs are omnivores and they are damned tasty.
And people don't eat catfish because of the fish's diet? Do they know what crabs, lobsters, shrimp, oysters and clams eat? Heck, mom told me plenty of times about how nasty chickens are in a farmyard. That doesn't stop me from visiting KFC on a regular basis.
Buffalo is awesome, beefalo isn't too different, elk is different but I love it, never had caribou, ostrich is an odd mix of chicken and something else in a fantastic mix, and I've only ever had kangaroo in jerky form. Also excellent. I'm not picky, I love meat. Bear is great too. I can't imagine how many cats it would take for a decent burger... Too much work for the taste i would bet.
Considering I've ate bear, moose, elk, reindeer, goat, snails, dog (yeah, I've been to Korea), frog, snake, raw eel, squid, octopus, shark, just to name some. Yeah, wouldn't have a problem. Probably already have and didn't realize it. It's considered a delicacy in some part of the world, like Northern Europe. Talked about this with a guy I know from Belgium.
12/2/11 4:56 a.m.
I suspect there is a strong correlation between what we would eat, and our income level. We're pretty fortunate in North America and most of us have the luxury of choice when it comes to food.
Horse is available in many Quebec supermarkets and butchers -- look for the sign that says cheval.
12/2/11 5:05 a.m.
alfadriver wrote:
wbjones wrote:
alfadriver wrote:
I probably would not. Dolphin are meat eaters. I'm not a fan of eating other meat eaters, taste bad. That, and they tend to concentrate pollutants- dolphins tend to be quite high in mercury.
so ... you don't eat any of the larger fish ? Tuna, King Mackerel, shark ...???
maybe not all of the fish, but seems like most of them eat other fish ....
and yes you are correct ... the larger fish.. the ones that live a long time do accumulate mercury to a higher degree than the smaller ones
Generally, no. I do eat some tuna. But enough studies have shown that Dolphin tend to be higher than normal on mercury. There was a good documentary about dolphins, and ignoring the inflamatory emotional part, the mercury info was pretty alarming. Worse was dolphin (with mercury) being passed off as whale (no mercury).
I think I've seen that. (Japan, right? where the whole town had symptoms of Mercury poisoning.) The inflammatory/emotional part about the dolphin 'killing fields' was most certainly alarming.
Do you have the option of eating Dolphin? I'm pretty sure our dolphins are a protected species.
I'd have no qualms trying horse, or whatever the local delicacy was in a certain country. Once watched a documentary about an English bloke in Vietnam, maybe, umming and erring for 45 minutes about whether or not he ought to try the local dog meat
. "When in Rome" etc.
Horse for dinner? Nay. er... neigh?
Hey, why the long face? Ohhhh that's right, you're on the menu!
I've always wanted to eat something with a name.
In reply to The0retical:
When I was a young fellow, I named my grandfather's two pigs and made them my pseudo pets. That didn't end well.
Snacking on some mealworms at the moment. I prefer them toasted to live. I don't care for them to wriggle around as I chew, and I like the crunch you get from the toasting.
I like dog and cat as well. Of the two, I prefer dog. Though I understand couger is excellent. Have to try that some time. Never had much trouble finding dog or cat meat here in the US.
One of my favorite treats is when someone blows their nose on a rock. Slimy and salty, mmmMMM! Otherwise known as an oyster on the half shell.
I do have limits mind you. Muskrat. I give up. I've never had one that tasted anything but strong and rather nasty.
My limit certainly comes before dog and cat, probably before horse too. In any case, I doubt any of these more "exotic" meats taste better than the old standards, so I feel no great need to branch out.
12/2/11 10:44 a.m.
Haven't had horse, dog or cat, but probably would try them. I have had most of the other stuf that has been mentioned and some that haven't.
My 7th grade history teacher brought in some fried grasshoppers and chocolate ant clusters to show the class as part of the cultural studies we were doing. They were right tasty.
My uncle always brought some rattlesnake when he came east to visit. Blacksnake isn't bad but not as good as rattlesnake.
Yes. Ate it in South Africa once and it was great.
True story, during WWII, meat rationing meant that a Philly Cheesesteak was not an option. So they used horsemeat. I have met old-timers who swear that they were the best cheesesteaks ever.
12/2/11 11:02 a.m.
rmarkc wrote:
Sure, I'd try it. I'd like to try buffalo, beefalo, elk, caribou, ostrich and kangaroo too but I can't find any close by.
I do kinda draw the line at carnivores though so that leave out bears, dogs and cats...ok, maybe I'd try bear because there should be some big "beefy" bits to filet.
Maybe I'm wrong about carnivores. Pigs are omnivores and they are damned tasty.
And people don't eat catfish because of the fish's diet? Do they know what crabs, lobsters, shrimp, oysters and clams eat? Heck, mom told me plenty of times about how nasty chickens are in a farmyard. That doesn't stop me from visiting KFC on a regular basis.
My parents raise chickens and holy berkeley are they some disgusting animals.
e_pie wrote:
rmarkc wrote:
Sure, I'd try it. I'd like to try buffalo, beefalo, elk, caribou, ostrich and kangaroo too but I can't find any close by.
I do kinda draw the line at carnivores though so that leave out bears, dogs and cats...ok, maybe I'd try bear because there should be some big "beefy" bits to filet.
Maybe I'm wrong about carnivores. Pigs are omnivores and they are damned tasty.
And people don't eat catfish because of the fish's diet? Do they know what crabs, lobsters, shrimp, oysters and clams eat? Heck, mom told me plenty of times about how nasty chickens are in a farmyard. That doesn't stop me from visiting KFC on a regular basis.
My parents raise chickens and holy berkeley are they some disgusting animals.
Wife refuses to let me have chickens because they had them when she was a kid.