My wife went to Dunkin' Donuts this morning for a family treat. When she ordered my coffee she was met with the question "would you like that coffee hot or cold?"
I've been thinking about this from Denis Leary every since (nsfw language)
Apparently the last bastion of coffee flavored coffee has fallen. This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
how to drink dunkin donuts coffee?
Put it in the trash. For life
I usually end up with both. I start out with hot an while I am doing other things it cools.
My father loved cold/iced coffee. Me not so much.
Iced coffee is not a new thing.
I like cold coffee, but I seem to be weird like that.
And yeah I'm spoiled, my office shares the parking lot with a small batch roaster.....
I like iced coffee unless it's below 40 degrees out, then I do hot. But no flavors, ever. Dear god help you if you suggest or ask what flavor I'd like (chik-fil-a and McDonald's I'm looking at you).
Also cold brew coffee is pretty good. You should pick up a bottle of stumptown
In reply to java230:
Small batch roasters are pretty awesome, and make Christmas shopping nice and easy. Double bonus if they have a nice balanced dark roast with little to no acidic aftertaste
I always forget that other areas of the country don't understand iced coffee.
Up here in the Boston area (where Dunkin Donuts was born), every place has iced coffee. Dunkin Donuts probably sells 20x more iced coffee than they do hot coffee here. And we drink it all year round. It could be -8 outside and we still get iced coffee.
If I don't make it at home, I usually get iced coffee from a local convenience store chain called Cumberland Farms (like Wawa, Sheetz, etc) because I can get a large for $0.99 instead of paying damn near $4.00 for one at Dunk's.
All that said, I brought hot coffee I made at home today. 
4/27/16 9:41 a.m.
I like a nice iced coffee in warm weather. I miss the perks of my wife working at S'bucks. I admit they don't hold a candle to a good local roaster, but they are miles ahead of DD. A vanilla iced trenta black eye sounds good right about now.
Although right now I'm drinking plain black coffee and enjoying it.
Since when was a donut shop a coffee expert?
They are usually the worst ones, as all it needs to do is balance the sugar in the doughnut.
I could never bring myself to get their or Horton's coffee. ugh.
Fueled by Caffeine wrote:
Also cold brew coffee is pretty good. You should pick up a bottle of stumptown
Oh yes, I have been wanting a toddy maker for awhile.... They do make it next door. Just dont get a really big one....
In reply to captdownshift:
No sugar/flavor period in mine. My god sweet coffee is nasty.
4/27/16 9:45 a.m.
One time someone asked me if I wanted cream or sugar and I replied that "I prefer my coffee not ruined". I was trying to be funny.
My wife gave me an awful look, and only then I realized that not only was my statement quite vague, it was also rude. I was working under the assumption that everyone knows that cream and sugar ruin coffee, and that is not anywhere close to an accurate assumption.
But I actually like both hot and cold coffee, and I like lattes. JUST PLEASE DON'T PUT ANY SUGAR OR FLAVORING IN IT!!
Wow, I guess I missed the boat on iced coffee. I tried it once and thought "why would I want to water down my coffee?" If I'm drinking non-hot coffee (room temp actually) it is one of these:
In fact, I used to use Mr. Brown as CREAMER for my hot coffee. Gives a nice extra jolt mid morning.
I start the day with hot coffee but by the end of the day I've switched to cold coffee (if there is any left in my cup at 5pm). I like a good cup of coffee. I actually grind beans every morning and use a 1950s stainless percolator to brew it. I'll drink fine, hand crafted coffee just as much as I'll drink swill from a truck stop.
I guess I'm not as much of a coffee fanatic as many of you. I have one cup every morning, but it's decaf. Occasionally I'll have one with my wife in the evening, but that's rare.
Our coffee is mostly from home (buy the store brand). When we do go out, I actually like Dunkin Donuts coffee. Been drinking it for years. My wife is a fan of their pumpkin spice coffee. That, or a local convenience store from home, Wawa. They have killer coffee. Very, very sad that Wawa isn't here in GA. They're a PA/NJ/DE area chain, but are now branching into FL. Hope they come our way soon.
I also won't drink it black or unsweetened. Splenda and creamer (usually non-diary) for me. I won't, however, drink cold/ice coffee. I've tried it and it just tastes wrong.
In reply to slefain:
FWIW, my first iced coffee was in 1990, at a coffee shop in Boston. Yea, it's been around for a while.
Robbie wrote:
One time someone asked me if I wanted cream or sugar and I replied that "I prefer my coffee not ruined". I was trying to be funny.
My wife gave me an awful look, and only then I realized that not only was my statement quite vague, it was also rude. I was working under the assumption that everyone knows that cream and sugar ruin coffee, and that is not anywhere close to an accurate assumption.
But I actually like both hot and cold coffee, and I like lattes. JUST PLEASE DON'T PUT ANY SUGAR OR FLAVORING IN IT!!
Having had a Cafe con Leche, you are wrong. 

It all depends on what you grew with.
If I'm drinking sugary, brown water, it isn't coffee.
I'll have a hamburger.
Would you like cheese on that?
No. If I wanted cheese on it, I'd ask for a cheeseburger.
I like Dunkin because it makes a great base coffee.... Base? Simple really, think about paints, and color mixing... anyway, I use a scoop of Dunkin and then a scoop of one of the local small roasters (Blue Kangaroo's - Sellwood Blend)
Also - more roasting = less caffeine
Don't you guys have ice caps down there? You are missing out. But I did order one at the Timmys drive through once and they gave me an iced coffee instead. I nearly spat it all over my steering wheel.
Store bought coffee is usually so hot it's undrinkable, only put ice in it so I can drink it today.
4/27/16 10:26 a.m.
alfadriver wrote:
Since when was a donut shop a coffee expert?
They are usually the worst ones, as all it needs to do is balance the sugar in the doughnut.
I could never bring myself to get their or Horton's coffee. ugh.
I don't drink coffee but I figured DD must be good at that since they suck at donuts.
4/27/16 11:17 a.m.
Went to the DD drive through the other day:
DD: what are you drinking today?
Me: bourbon and water.
DD: uh, um, what are you drinking today?
Me: can I have a donut?
DD: what would you like to drink?
Me: arghleflishmeguggle, a donut please.
DD: so nothing to drink then?
slefain wrote:
My wife went to Dunkin' Donuts this morning for a family treat. When she ordered my coffee she was met with the question "would you like that coffee hot or cold?"
I wouldn't mind that. If they're anything like my local DD, you can explicitly ask for an ICED coffee at the speakerbox and usually have a hot cup of coffee waiting there at the window.
4/27/16 11:21 a.m.
Would you like your coffee so damn hot you can't drink it? No thanks.
I like coffee luke warm to cold. I also make a pot on Saturday morning and I'm still drinking it on Monday.
I never drink it black, I'm trying to maintain my pearly whites.
My most egregious coffee habit is that at the end of the work day I turn off all the coffee warmers we've got in the office, let the coffee cool, and take it home in stainless (unlined) bottles. I can't let good cold mud go to waste!
I like Iced coffee, even during the winter.