I don't know if you guys look on the ESPN scheduling thing much on your 360, but I was surprised to see ALMS events under the auto racing section, and saw this for today, and the full race coverage tomorrow!
Sucks for the PS3 guys, but you can still watch it online on ESPN3...I think, anyway.
Where is this on the 360???
This brings up an interesting idea:
With all the data logging that is being done these day, take the data from the actual race and feed it into Forza or GT5 and let people drive in the race while it happens.... or at least after it happens.
...OK, someone get on that!
killerkane wrote:
Where is this on the 360???
Go under Video Marketplace, it's right by the Netflix icon. You gotta download an update for it to work, but it's pretty small.
3/18/11 12:46 p.m.
I just still think it's amazing that we're watching the 12 Hours of Sebring......and i'll repeat, the 12 Hours of Sebring on 360's and online......FAIL
I hear you, but it is kind of a niche market, and I'm just glad to see it at all.
I'd love to be there in person, but reality gets in the way. 
Watching now, the coverage is really good!
Watch the entire race on ESPN3.com starting at 10:15am tomorrow morning. Big time fail it's not on Speed..but, highllights of it on CBS(?) NEXT weekend, and there's ALMS radio for coverage, too. And, sometime, the highlight show will also make it to ESPN2 broadcast.
It's all detailed at the ALMS site.
Yeah, the ALMS are still trying to convince that it's the best coverage they ever had......keyword trying.
Yeah i'm glad there's even coverage at, but I just checked out some qualifying and the picture is horrible, can't even read the names and audio cuts off.....
oh well, another american motorsport ruined, guess i'll tune into the Continental race at Homestead tomorrow
Its on ABC - highlights on Sunday.
Was this a push to get on the networks or why no longer on Speed?
Better sound on radiolemans.com - doesnt cut out like ESPN3.com does.
Well, just like every series NASCAR and Fox2, I mean Speed, kicked off that weren't on their knees giving some lovin, ALMS lost the rights, probably got the "oh your not getting enough viewers" bulle36m3 that seems to always be sai. I'm not exactly sure but they lost the contract with Speed and this is what ended up. What about ESPN 2? VS? etc. etc. They shown motorsports in the past.
They'll show 5 hour coverage on Fox for the 500 but ABC can't show a huge endurance race. What good is there on ABC on Saturday???
I have been listening to Radio LeMans all this week and today but I still can't see it
Loss of ALMS from speed is very disappointing. The ratings for the Daytona 500 are huge compared to the ratings for any ALMS race. I think ESPN2 is all basketball Saturday; ABC has live tennis starting at 2 pm, which will probably get bigger ratings than the ALMS race....
The ALMS site says the highlight show will appear sometime on ESPN2. Here's hoping, please, please, that qualifying was also a technical dry-run/trial, and the race will actaully be technically streamed better tomorrow on ESPN3. (ESPN does a really good job with NHRA coverage, tape delay and all, still, good job)
Versus has Indy car, and didn't they sign another series?
As almost always, it boils down to monies. Maybe Fox overlords of Speed said "Ah, no." to ALMS, "spend monies and personnel on NASCAR. And if you want F1, well, find the money elsewhere...."??
Or ALMS thought they were going in the right direction with a world-wide broadcasted ESPN? Who knows.
Interestingly on the ESPN3 home page, there is an icon for XBOX direct feed. ALMS is owned by Don Panos. Large share holder of Sony? OR owns the production company for ALMS, and this is his deal...
I think it is a huge push in the right direction. ALMS will get a ton more NEW viewers on the replays on ESPN and ABC than they ever would on Speed. It's the additional viewers that will hopefully become hardcore fans.
We get the live coverage that we want, and they get the network coverage that they deserve. I see it as a win win. I am pretty excited by it.
SPEED wasn't getting them enough viewers and they were doing NO publicity or advertising for the coverage.
Versus has even fewer viewers than SPEED so ALMS saw that as a negative, and not an option. Though SCCA did just sign the World Challenge to VS, so hopefully they continue to trend toward motorsport coverage.
Maroon92 wrote:
I think it is a huge push in the right direction. ALMS will get a ton more NEW viewers on the replays on ESPN and ABC than they ever would on Speed. It's the additional viewers that will hopefully become hardcore fans.
We get the live coverage that we want, and they get the network coverage that they deserve. I see it as a win win. I am pretty excited by it.
SPEED wasn't getting them enough viewers and they were doing NO publicity or advertising for the coverage.
Versus has even fewer viewers than SPEED so ALMS saw that as a negative, and not an option. Though SCCA did just sign the World Challenge to VS, so hopefully they continue to trend toward motorsport coverage.
Intersting stuff: I think you're on to why they are doing the multiple outlet/viewing thing. It does make sense from a marketing point of view--viewed from an entertainment perspective without the passionate knowledge of the sport already.
So you get your hard core audience of followers, and the "is any auto racing on, lookee there" audience in ONE weekend. Which, in turn, enhances any advertising done in Monday newspapers and outlets--especially if Audi pulls one out of their book of tricks (they're more than a second behind). HHhhmmmmmm, Good points.
While I fully understand that and agree,. it is a fail for the hardcore fans because the coverage is horrible and true fans watch it on tv, or go to the actual race. We have to now watch it online or watch the highlights? If they want to atract viewers AND keep the fans before, show it fully on a network, then everyone's happy. Notice how you keep seeing and hearing how the ALMS fans aren't happy? I know there are some that aren't even going to bother watching. Now doing this MAY get new viewers and let's just hope that the picture and audio is perfect for tomorrow but I just think it's a mistake for keeping fans.
Time Warner cable = no espn3 for me 
pigeon wrote:
Time Warner cable = no espn3 for me
it will also be shown live on AmericanLeMans.com
3/19/11 10:03 a.m.
I'll try that but it still is sad.
I love the video haha "yeah you can watch sports, tv, and movies online, but why would you want to watch it on the computer?" EXACTLY!!!
I'm watching the live race on http://espn.go.com/espn3/# right now and the picture quality is EXCELLENT.
Nickf40, I'm sorry if I come off a bit mean here, but seem to have been doing everything in your power to TRY to hate everything about this.
I don't know what your bandwidth is like, but I have just regular roadrunner, and even when plugged into my 32" standard def. tv from my laptop, the espn3 picture quality is just a tiny, tiny bit worse then regular tv. I would still call it excellent, I can still clearly read the scrolling timing bar, for example. The broadcast is using the excellent John Hindhaugh from radiolemans, with an additional espn team. Even speed never played flag to flag, there was always a break in the middle. Same with petit. So you get far more coverage than before.
Maroon, about the philosophy behind this move, you summed up my opinions as good as I could, so I won't repeat it.
Pigeon, espn3 tv is compatible with time warner cable, but you need to have TWC for your tv provider, not internet.
But Nickf40, please, just try it. I've kept an open mind, and I'm already happier with the results than the speed coverage. Mostly because of brian hinhaugh, the full broadcast qualifying, and the flag to flag coverage. With all the options to watch (xbox, espn3, alms.com, watch on computer, plug into a tv, go to a friends house, whatever you wanna do) you simply HAVE to be able to make one of those work.
Oh, and they're running one commercial break per hour, and they're about one minute long.
3/19/11 11:11 a.m.
I wish mine looked that good
I'm trying to but I guess my netbook is ancient and my interent becuase on my netbook, the picture quality never reaches more than 3 of those blue blocks, the sound is great when it's consistent and the commentary is the best but it cuts out every now and then.
I tried the play on on my PS3, and it's even worse than on my netbook, the names are pixalted and the cars are like a colorful blur. So I guess my experience is just one of the very rare compared to everyone else, like sometimes online in GT5
It's crazy better than Speed, i'm just saying, if you do a network change, show the damn race on that network in full, that would have brought in the viewers. Not EVERYONE has great interenet, some no matter if they have the fastest, it sometimes has trouble getting signals and such and not EVERYONE has a high performance PC, I'm just saying they didn't think this through fully.
Its unfortunate if your internet or computer is not up to snuff, but you could try convincing a friend with better of both of those to watch the race with you at their house. I couldn't get espn3 because I have directv, but I made my dad use his cable account to sign up for it, and I'm just using his login
, so I made it work.
In terms of not being fully thought out, I am sure than none of us are in a position to say that. We don't know how much Speed cost, or what it would have cost to put expanded coverage on broadcast tv. We weren't in their meetings, so we don't know the half of what the real issues were. Its ok to be skeptical of something, but you also have to trust that ALMS really is trying their best to give us the best package possible.
3/19/11 11:40 a.m.
I don't know, it's just that they are trying with this but they didn't realize that not everyone has the business when it comes to computers and internet. The meeting, yeah Fox didn't want something else to compete with on their so called "motorsports authority" and poor ALMS couldn't get all of it together to please them and their greed. I garuantee you ALMS is not real happy with this behind all the media and what you see on their site, they say their excited about the new coverage, but you know they are worried for this year becuase of it.
And I tried lol No one else that I know, that's in this area is interested or watching or even will let me.