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914Driver Dork
2/25/09 6:02 a.m.

Punky Boobster took so much heat at 15 for her anatomy that she had a reduction done.

Wally SuperDork
2/25/09 8:31 a.m.

One of the many things for which Hollywood should never be forgiven. Mom could never figure out why I had to watch Punky Brewster every week.

Xceler8x HalfDork
2/25/09 8:42 a.m.
914Driver wrote: Punky Boobster took so much heat at 15 for her anatomy that she had a reduction done.

Cali is a messed up place.

HunterJP New Reader
2/25/09 8:56 a.m.

Doh-n be re-dic-u-lus.

EricM HalfDork
2/25/09 10:40 a.m.

I love super NES games form the 80's!!!

RossD New Reader
2/25/09 10:56 a.m.

Parker Louis Cant Lose. The Kubiak. I thought I was the only one that remembered that show. How about "Eerie, Indiana" circa 1991? I had stacks of Nintendo Power, it was awesome.

rebelgtp HalfDork
2/25/09 10:58 a.m.

My best friend in grade school (when the show was on) was name Parker so the name kinda stuck with me.

poopshovel SuperDork
2/25/09 12:56 p.m.
Parker Louis Cant Lose.

THANK_YOU! I saw Kubiak in a movie recently and went "Hey, It's Kubiak!!!" Everyone looked at me funny, at which point I said "...you know...from that show...something-something can't something...or something."

Winston New Reader
2/25/09 1:09 p.m.
Appleseed wrote: Is that Super Mario 2? That game is rare and expensive as hell.

Really? May be time to eBay my copy then...

16vCorey SuperDork
2/25/09 1:12 p.m.
RossD wrote: How about "Eerie, Indiana" circa 1991?

Hell yeah! That show was awesome.

poopshovel wrote: THANK_YOU! I saw Kubiak in a movie recently and went "Hey, It's Kubiak!!!" Everyone looked at me funny, at which point I said "...you know...from that show...something-something can't something...or something."

Creepy. The same thing happened just a couple of days ago for me. Colleen and I were watching TV, and I saw Kubiak on something, and had the same reaction.

"who's that"

" Do you remember Parker Lewis Can't Loose?".


"Oh, it's a crappy old sitcom with that dude in it. Never mind."

poopshovel SuperDork
2/25/09 1:24 p.m.

Is it even more of a ghey cosmic coincidence that both of us (I ass-ume) were too berkeleyed up to remember what it is we were watching?

fiat22turbo SuperDork
2/25/09 2:34 p.m.

Man, I was watching "Without a Paddle" and couldn't remember where I'd seen the lead bad guy before. Thanks for straightening me out!

curtis73 Reader
2/25/09 3:25 p.m.

Jason Alexander with hair: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTSdUOC8Kac

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hz8ul-gmLyA

William Shatner hocking the VIC-20: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUEI7mm8M7Q

Juicy Fruit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ92qqzutcE

And my personal favorite. Who could forget... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztUQVjydlk4

EricM HalfDork
2/25/09 3:33 p.m.
rebelgtp wrote: My best friend in grade school (when the show was on) was name Parker so the name kinda stuck with me.

I hvae a ten year old nammed Parker, but he is anmmed after Parker Ranch on the Big Island of hawaii.

pete240z HalfDork
2/25/09 4:30 p.m.
EricM wrote: I love super NES games form the 80's!!!

I had a pair of those big giant glasses like the dude at the top. What was up with that?

bamalama Reader
2/25/09 5:25 p.m.
poopshovel wrote: Is it even more of a ghey cosmic coincidence that both of us (I ass-ume) were too berkeleyed up to remember what it is we were watching?

He's on ER or some E36 M3. I've had the same talk with my wife. Her response was "Who the berkeley is Kubiak?"

joedapro New Reader
2/25/09 6:36 p.m.

And you guys slam me for weighing in on actual topics. You all sound like a bunch of of blabbering school kids, who wouldnt know a roundel from a flounder. And im the idiot? Yeah right.

Will Reader
2/25/09 7:03 p.m.
RossD wrote: Parker Louis Cant Lose. The Kubiak. I thought I was the only one that remembered that show. How about "Eerie, Indiana" circa 1991? I had stacks of Nintendo Power, it was awesome.

It's Lewis, not Louis. Geek points for me, as I knew that without Wikipedia.

rebelgtp HalfDork
2/25/09 7:05 p.m.
joedapro wrote: And im the idiot?

You said it.

Anyway back on topic today between classes I was talking to another of the older guys in my classes about the "old days" of computers and hackers. Most of the kids that were sitting there listening to us had no clue about half the things we were talking about. None of them had ever used a BBS, most had never used the internet with dial up and they were "shocked" we could use the internet back in the day.

AngryCorvair Dork
2/25/09 7:12 p.m.
joedapro wrote: And you guys slam me for weighing in on actual topics. You all sound like a bunch of of blabbering school kids, who wouldnt know a roundel from a flounder. And im the idiot? Yeah right.

no, we slam you because you're a self-important douche, or at least you play one on the internet. perhaps you're not bright enough to recognize that you're in the "Off Topic" section of the board, or perhaps you don't know what constitutes "Off Topic" and you were expecting some interesting discourse on E30s. Perhaps you could stay at the Holiday Inn Express instead of the Self Important Douche Express tonight, and tomorrow you'll be smarter.

Rustfinger New Reader
2/25/09 7:47 p.m.
joedapro wrote: And you guys slam me for weighing in on actual topics. You all sound like a bunch of of blabbering school kids, who wouldnt know a roundel from a flounder. And im the idiot? Yeah right.

Wow, just wow...in your CMP results thread you ask to be forgiven, and "can we be friends"...

Pretty lousy way to go about doing that, no?

I take it you're "just fishing" again. A word of advice: don't

maroon92 SuperDork
2/25/09 8:07 p.m.

man, I remember Eerie, Indiana...but the Fox re-air in 1997-1998.

when you said 1991 I had to Wiki it, because I was only 5 at the time, and thought I was having an "Eerie" moment myself.

ignorant SuperDork
2/25/09 8:12 p.m.
joedapro wrote: And you guys slam me for weighing in on actual topics. You all sound like a bunch of of blabbering school kids, who wouldnt know a roundel from a flounder. And im the idiot? Yeah right.

On 2/25/09 I'm calling Ban.. Not that he needs it now.. but that he'll get it if he continues on the same path.

edited for clarity

Appleseed Reader
2/25/09 8:15 p.m.


Oh boy!

rebelgtp HalfDork
2/25/09 8:29 p.m.

I see your Quantum Leap and raise you....

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