1/14/15 12:01 p.m.
at this college in northwest Georgia they have mounted 2 or 3 camera's where a pair of bald eagles have built a nest, the female just laid 2 eggs. you can sit there all-day and watch them bringing up fish and other food stuffs.......its cool.
I will add this eagle cam, which is just a few miles from my house in Flagler County, Florida. These eagles have been using the same nest every season for over a decade.
We had one flying outside the office earlier today. It's wonderful they're making such a strong comeback!
1/14/15 12:23 p.m.
There are bald eagles near my house in the winter and they are super cool. They like to hang out on the downstream side of large dams and chow on fish.
They've really come back in a big way in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area - there's so many of them it's almost to the point where it's no big deal to see one.
Bald Eagle Cam
PA has over 250 nests now, how cool!
Lots of nesting pairs along the James River here in Central VA! Go Eagles! 
I've seen one about 2 miles from my house. There's a bunch of nests in Arkansas.
When I was up in Valdez Alaska, there were so many, it was an every day thing, seeing them in the trees on the side of the road.
they've made quite the comeback here as well, you don't want to deal with the headache that happens if one flies into your car though.
(The eagle did make a full and complete recovery)
One day this past spring... the crows around our house were going bonkers.... reason... big ol bald eagle up in one of our trees....

I've seen crows attacking a juvenile hawk or falcon (I can't tell what's what there) while the momma was circling overhead. Not sure if they were stoopid or if the momma was just giving the kid a hard life lesson (Kill the damn crows? Be tough?)
Nobody home right now near me.
Cool, thanks for sharing.
1/14/15 6:47 p.m.
I'm digging these, so are the kids. Thanks folks.
1/14/15 6:52 p.m.
There was a mating pair flying over my house recently.
They mate in mid air.
They climb to a high elevation, and do this spiraling death dance/ fall.

Then she rolls over and he holds her upside down in his talons while they..., you know.
Talk about a "trust fall".
My inlaws have a cabin north of Minneapolis and there is a nest across the lake that has been in use for 40+ years. Generally they are just around but once I looked out the window and the biggest bird I have ever seen was 6' away perched on the deck rail. The window rattled when he took off.