1/31/16 3:20 a.m.
Found these while bored & dicking around. The red M100.
Good old "free content by Google image search" school of web publishing. I don't particularly mind, but I wish they'd used a less-filthy pic for that second one. There is photographic evidence out there that I occasionally washed it.
I still own this one BTW. I should go rescue it.
If you want "fun", if you have posted things to YouTube, copy one of your video titles and search for it on Google. There are quite a few sites that will happily copy everything on YouTube and repost on their own.
At least, that is what I assume they do. I'm not going to click on some skeezy Chinese or Russian copy site. I like my computer in its un-pwnin8ted state.
In the early '00s, I had a picture of mine stolen from a website I made for a class in college. I took a picture of my friends Comanche during an offroading tip, and had it on my silly little class project website. A well known Jeep suspension company (E36 M3ty one I might add) used my picture on their site advertising their lift kit for Comanches. Not only was it not their picture, nor did they ask for my permission to use it, but the Jeep didn't even have their suspension on it.
A sternly worded email, got the picture removed from their site promptly.
Back before photobuckets disaster of a revamp I used to love the statistics feature. I could see how many times and on what sites my pics were being hotlinked.
I have had pics used on ebay auctions, Heck, my entire build thread is condensed as a pdf on someone's personal site. Mostly it was folks sharing photos of the fiat on car forums.
I once had a freelance advertising guy lift a photo of my car for use in a print ad - for one of my competitors. Much embarrassment for them. Less embarrassed is another of our competitors who helps himself to our product pictures shamelessly.
These days, if there's a photo I know is likely to get spread around and taken out of context, I'll often watermark it. Or if it's a product being sold by that other competitor, so he can't steal the pic.
Can't say I've experienced this before, but I'm certainly guilty of hotlinking here.
As a photographer, what burns my biscuits more than anything is when "reputable" media sites use my photos without permission or payment. Happens all the time.
1/31/16 11:38 a.m.
My ms3 ended up as a cover article in a blog post once....but i knew the writer and he took the pic. Pissed off a lot of mopar owners who thought [incorrectly] that they invented the meet at sonic in Bloomington scene.
1/31/16 7:53 p.m.
i found my belair on a website, with a link to a 10 year old build thread with broken picture links. thought about asking them to take it down, but whatever.
Someone grabbed a picture I had taken of one of my cars, put it on a refrigerator magnet and was selling it on eBay. I sent them an email complaining about it but they never replied.
There was a story in the Minneapolis paper today about a woman who took a short video of her infant son dancing to Prince's "Let's Get Crazy" and posted it on Youtube. Prince's legal team came after her for using his music without permission; it seemed silly since the video was terrible and only 29 seconds long, but it turned into a multi year litigation.
Huh. I have had two videos taken down from Youtube. They just blank the audio. I think for the second one I was given the option to have ads plastered all over the video. I opted to remove the video instead.
(So: Stereo in RX-7: YouTube can't catch the audio track. Stereo in Volvo: YouTube can't catch the audio track. Stereo in Subaru: YouTube throws E36 M3fit. Huh.)
I have the same problem with my personal daily driver.

I have seen it posted out there a few times. I mean, this is 100% my car, that I built, that no one else can lay claim to, built with my own parts. I can't believe how people lie and say it's theirs. 
Knurled wrote:
If you want "fun", if you have posted things to YouTube, copy one of your video titles and search for it on Google. There are quite a few sites that will happily copy everything on YouTube and repost on their own.
At least, that is what I assume they do. I'm not going to click on some skeezy Chinese or Russian copy site. I like my computer in its un-pwnin8ted state.
I always say the best way to make a backup of a video is to post it to YouTube with a CC license. A million channels will copy it and monetize it. Alien archaeologists will be able to find it.
Jumper K. Balls wrote:
Back before photobuckets disaster of a revamp I used to love the statistics feature. I could see how many times and on what sites my pics were being hotlinked.
I have had pics used on ebay auctions, Heck, my entire build thread is condensed as a pdf on someone's personal site. Mostly it was folks sharing photos of the fiat on car forums.
Your Falcon also ended up in a story on Curbside Classics. I'd post the link, but I'm lazy 
In reply to Esoteric Nixon:
I can't seem to find it. He usually asks if it is ok to take pictures. I spoke with Paul for a while when he snapped pics of the fiat.
I shudder to think of how dirty it was.
being the computer luddite that I am, I don't really understand what all this is about ... I have a youTube channel/site/whatever it's called ... with my videos of my autoX's, TT, and a couple of LeMons stints ...
none of them have "titles" other than something like this .. GOPR0499
are they in "danger" of being used inappropriately ? and if so how do I find them ?
as you can see from the post, I really don't have much of a clue ... LOL 
2/6/16 11:19 a.m.
theres this magazine...grass something....posts pictures of my cars from time to time ;)
I have, since the early days of the itnerwebs been sure to host and post my photos only from places I have full control. It helps a bit.
The only thing, in recent times, I've had worth stealing and posting is the Wartburg. All jokes aside GRM published it with full signoffs and permission from me but many many other places had no such courtesy. The ones who hotlinked directly to my site got rude surprises sometimes ;)