That_Renault_Guy wrote:
racerdave600 wrote:
Nah, they aren't going away, they'll file for bankrupcy protection after getting 200 Trillion from Congress, 90% of which goes for CEO bonuses.
After the big 3 CEO's move to Brazil to enjoy their massive sums in unison and drive Camrys, the left over engineers decide to build a 25,000 pound SUV with 700 airbags, and a foam filled inteior to protect the children. It only gets .007 miles per gallon running on a special blend of methanol to calm the greenies, 105 octane for the Nascar fan, and another ingredient that only the feds know about and can charge $62 a gallon for, all of which is redistributed to a Congressional Fund for retired Senators to buy prostitutes. The "special" ingredient turns out to be Seafoam as the government made a hostile take over and has tons of the stuff laying around. The corresponding white cloud they say is to restore the ozone layer which everyone believes.
Soccer moms love the new beast, but most languish on lots due to their $300,000 price tag, forcing the newly restructured companies to once again come close to the brink. At which point on his 3rd term since he declared himself Unifed People's President of All Time with a sweeping congressional approval, Obama declared them to be the official car of the US, and everyone would now be ordered to buy one, which of course would be paid for by the governement on money borrowed from China.
Meanwhile, the rest of the world was taken over soley by Toyota since they control all the money from developed nations. All other car companies are long since gone under their crushing control of all things monetary, and the new flag and money of Toyotaland (as the Earth has been renamed) all contain a special imprint of a Camry which is now the universal people's car. It now runs soley on a mixture of methane gas and air and gets 9,876 mpg.
All old cars are crushed in the name of progress, and the only cars you can now buy are the Camry and in the US, the Chevord Humalade, which of course comes with a 17 liter Hemi to move it's massive weight.
Of course Toyotaland wants nothing to do with the United States since it is covered in a white cloud of unknown origin and is assumed to be toxic, and they build a giant plastic bubble around us to enjoy our hazy Humalades in peace.
If only we could get rid of the people with the save the seals signs....
Am I the only one who thought of Dr. Doofenshmirtz while reading that?
He couldn't screw it up any worse than it already is. 
i just hope nascar takes a hit with all of this
It appears there are early rumblings of exactly that. The local sportswriter (given, he has the usual stick and ball obsession and can't be considered an expert) says that some of the smaller teams are losing sponsors and are planning to merge their teams for that reason. He also goes on to say that the big teams with long term sponsorship locked in via contracts will weather the downturn pretty well.
Does anyone else throw E36 M3 at the TV when they see an AIG commercial? Seriously. I'm scraping together every penny I can to do whatever marketing we can for our business, and these berkeley sticks still have a marketing budget 10 times our gross annual income.
At least their ads should be entertaining if I'm gonna be paying for them.
11/15/08 7:55 a.m.
To bad Toyota doesn't need my money. The first thing I'd do is find out who's responsible for the "saved by zero" jingle and have him drawn and quartered.
Has quoted articles and stuff. I don't know if it is really a "what-if" but when.
Wally wrote:
To bad Toyota doesn't need my money. The first thing I'd do is find out who's responsible for the "saved by zero" jingle and have him drawn and quartered.
DAMN YOU! Now that piece of E36 M3 jingle is stuck in my head.