Youtube wouldn't let me do anything without creating a channel, which i thought was weird, considering i've already uploaded 27 videos over the last few years as "celicahalftrac." As in, i couldn't even access my own damn videos.
So whatever, i jumped through their hoops.
Now, i somehow have FOUR Youtube Channels, and 3 of them are all named "celicahalftrac," and there's this Google+ bullE36 M3 attached to all of them.
I just simply want my email address "celicahalftrac at gmail dot com" and my ONE youtube channel to be "celicahalftrac." I only want ONE channel. I do not want to re-set everything up, and i don't want google+, and i have no idea how to fix any of it.
Nor do i have any idea how the hell to work any of this now.
Please help. I'm 28 years old and if this E36 M3 confuses me, i feel old.
I have two now for some reason. Right there with ya.
Infuriating ain't it?
I had to google how to do it, but I had to delete the eleventy other channels they created when the same thing happened to me. I don't use youtube to manage my stuff often, but after I finally got my youtube user name separate from from my gmail user name, and deleted the Google+ bull E36 M3 I didn't want to begin with, I still get asked to tie my youtube account to my gmail with Google+ about every other time I do something related to my account or commenting on a video.
Salt in the wound, after telling them I want to keep separate user names/accounts it takes 20 min before I can do something like leave a comment because they claim they are "adjusting my account," or some bull E36 M3 like that.
I used to love Google, but that was a long time ago.
I can live with one google+ account tied to my youtube account that i'll never bother to look at, but i want to keep my youtube name separate from my gmail account.
But i just can't figure out how in the berkeley i'm supposed to do that, and i still can't figure out how the berkeley to delete all these extra bullE36 M3 channels, and it's not exactly easy to figure out which one is the right one WHEN THEY'RE ALL NAMED THE SAME.
When you're logged into YouTube look at the upper right hand corner. You should see your name and then a space for a profile pic and a down arrow. Hit that down arrow and click YouTube settings. Under overview will be name and you should see a link to disconnect the associated google+ and return your previous YouTube username.
If you hit the down arrow there is an option to view all channels, you can add/delete channels associated to your youtube account from there. What I've done is let my gmail/Google+ assimilate with my YouTube, but created a second channel for public videos.
so much for Googles "do no harm" philosophy.. they are just as bad as the rest of them
I believe their goal was to attempt to begin combining their services and to try and reign in some of the commenter nonsense on YouTube.
I'm not saying I agree with it or how they've gone about implementing it, I of course have to sort mine out as well since I've got my existing YouTube account and a Google+ account along with a matching YouTube account.
This happened to me too, I have 2 accounts on Youtube when I only wanted 1. And I can apparently switch between them whenever I want, it says something like "You are now using Youtube as johncoqtoastin".
Somewhat related, I took a video with my cell phone and uploaded it to Google+ to share with my sister. It didn't work (there was some message about it "processing"). So I reuploaded it to Youtube, which worked, but now I have 2 accounts. Why does a video work on Youtube and not G+?
In reply to slowride:
are you also known as fletch f. fletch?
In reply to turboswede:
no, their larger goal was to broaden the user base that they can claim participates in Google+ to compete with Facebook.
when they force you to have a Google+ account to use Youtube, that will definitely pad their numbers they can pimp to advertisers.
the other reason is their advertising service selling point is being more targeted than anything else. Google WANTS to unify your identity to give legitimacy to tracking you and targeting you for adverts.
In reply to AngryCorvair:
I'm partial to Dr. Rosenrosen/Rosenpenis...
11/27/13 5:50 p.m.
Feels like this, doesn't it?
I'm also in the "I don't want my GMail address connected with my YouTube account in any way, nor do I want a G+ account" club. It is absolutely maddening.
Making demands on the delivery of a free service is futile. -- Captain Obvious
The cattle are never consulted by the rancher about how they are to be consumed.
11/27/13 7:30 p.m.
Will wrote:
Feels like this, doesn't it?
I'm also in the "I don't want my GMail address connected with my YouTube account in any way, nor do I want a G+ account" club. It is absolutely maddening.
I just want to upload videos to YouTube so I can post them to dirtyimpreza, and get e-mail notification when people post comments. I can moderate them myself. I never post any comments except for responses to questions in peoples' comments on my videos, or thank-yous to people who make compilation videos of our events.
I have negative interest in "social media". (I actively do not want to join FaceSpace+ or whatever) I don't see YouTube as social media, it's just a place to post some videos and watch other peoples' videos.
Hmm. I have a Pro account on photobucket (UNLIMITED BANDWIDTH !!!) and they do video. I may be switching sometime soon if they allow embedding. But, jeez, my YouTube account has over a hundred videos dating back to 2005.
I never use my gmail account for anything. I don't think I've ever checked it since getting it and the only reason I got it was so I could put some videos on youtube.
The problem with swanks account is too many kittah vids, not enough hammering vids.
I'm loosing it, I don't have that many videos, I have a few subscriptions, but I want them under my Youtube user name not my Gmail name, and I DO NOT WANT a Google+ account. EVERY SINGLE TIME I like/dislike or attempt to comment on something, I get the pop-up asking me if I want to keep both names. I say yes, I am FORCED to agree to their terms if I want to keep both names, it then creates a Google+ page I DO NOT WANT, and berkeleys all of my E36 M3 up for my Youtube account (avatar, channel art, etc.) Now I have 3 yes THREE accounts. Two as my Youtube name, and one as my Gmail name.
I've lost count of the number of times I've deleted Google+ accounts.
Now to top it all of, the user channel I want to use, the one that my videos are posted as, and the one my subscriptions are on, has an error every time I attempt to log in as it. "Server Error, Contact Administrator." The Google+/Gmail user name works, the OTHER Youtube user name with nothing attached to it works, but the actual one I want to use, the original one I had long before Google got involved doesn't. Uuuggghhhhh!!!!!!!

Just create a Google + account, don't put any information or use it.
I'm up to 6 different Youtube accounts, and i'm not sure how it happened. Can't figure out how to remove the extras either.
In reply to Swank Force One:
Yeah, I was wrong earlier I had 4 instead of 3. Go to the Google+ page for each, click on their avatar top right corner, manage account, scroll down to delete the account, click yes you want to delete it, then check 3 boxes, and finally delete one more time.
Make sure the Youtube account you are keeping is disconnected from Google+ before deleting it. In the Youtube settings you can "temporarily disconnect your channel from Google+" I'd like to permanently disconnect it.
Somehow I screwed up, and my YouTube account I've had for years (with all my videos and whatnot) are now permanently linked with a Google+ account I had to create. And now EVERY SINGLE TIME I want to go to YouTube, it logs me in with my Google account - not at all what I want. It is too late for me to disconnect the account. I'm stuck with the two of them, and their annoyances, forever. Feels like some kind of fairy tale story gone horribly wrong.