Here's what I woke up to last Thurday. 



Geico didn't total the truck but and I did save a lot of money over the years carrying that $1k deductible. Money saved now spent... sigh/LOL. The Civic was from my mom's estate and not back on the road yet. 98 Civic with fewer than 50k miles. No insurance. The Miata was relatively unharmed. Damage to the house wasn't all that bad. The tree was in front of my neighbor's house on town property. The town says they'll haul away the debris for me if I sign a waiver.
Was thinking of turning that it into a rallycross car. Any ideas what to do with it now? If anyone needs any Civic parts there's some salvageable items there.
Waiting for the first "that'll buff right out" joke.
That is some serious crush. Sorry.
That sucks. The Civic is definitely a parts car, but the truck will probably buff out with a new bed.
The truck is a flareside now!
Sorry for your unfortunate incident.
6/28/10 12:25 p.m.
Gonna take more than a buffer. That's a bummer hitting your fleet. That sux
damn, that civic is hella flush, mad tyte JDM now! But in all seriousness, glad to hear you are ok and it didnt crash on your house... 
The truck needs more than a bed. It got both pass side doors, the fender, bumper, hood, roof, etc. But it looks mean now which is kinda cool.
Note the branch that did all this in the background. The whole tree actually leans away from my property. I was never worried about it. I was wrong. lol
Time for some Joey48442 ZAV stickers!
Looks like Charlottesville. Had to check your location. I am thankful that my Challenge car was recently relocated, as we had a huge number of trees down around here. As a matter of fact, my postman gets a big thumbs up, as he has to scramble through half a fallen maple to get to my mailbox.
6/28/10 12:55 p.m.
Get some tarps over the civic to keep it dry and you will be able to part the interior for some cash.
You may want to find a southern, rust free Civic body with high miles and do a drivetrain swap.
No insurance.
Oooooohhhhh fuuudddgggggeeeee. Damn dude. Might(?) be worth checking into to see if home owner's insurance would cover it? Might not be worth the deductible, etc., but I would tend to guess the math would be easy.
Glad that the house is okay, you've at least still got some form of transportation, and a sense of humor about it all!!!
What trim was the civic? If it's an EX I'll buy the head off you
People will also buy the tail lights and most interior pieces. I somewhat doubt the headlights are still intact.
from the size of the branches that tree musta been super tall
The Civic is a DX. Shockingly the passenger side headlight is undamaged. More shockingly the drivers door looks like it might be salvageable. LOL
Dash, steering wheel, drivers seat are all toast.
Homeowmer's insurance says they wont' cover it but I need to read the policy in detail. It's part of my mom's estate so collecting may just make my life more difficult. Easier to just part it out.
As for the house there's some roof damage over the garage (fairly minor) and the electrical service/weatherhead was torn off. The power company kindly put it back up in a ugly but (mostly) safe and useable manner. If there's enough for a claim it won't be a big one.
I'm thinking this might call for a Sawzall, hammer, welder, and 2011 Challenge Civic Speedster! Atom clone? Like I don't have enough to do....
DX... Nobody is going to want that engine unless they just want a mileage machine unfortunately.
6/28/10 1:38 p.m.
I bet the engine can sell easily. There must be someone who's kid ran a Civic DX out of oil but still kept driving. On top of that, it is a low mileage example. Most in junk yards will have well over 100k on them.
DaveEstey wrote:
DX... Nobody is going to want that engine unless they just want a mileage machine unfortunately.
Yeah, mom was never into autocross. But she insisted on always driving a manual trans until the end! She'd be bummed to see what happened to her car.
Cleared the wood off the "Speedster". Check out that mint driver's door! LOL

It looks more aero now, surely that is a desirable feature you can play up to potential buyers.
6/28/10 1:56 p.m.
Time for a "Ran when parked" CL add.
Call it a Sportroof and list it as JDM on CraigsList, it'll sell in no time 
The Brooklands screen is Challenge legal....
6/28/10 2:27 p.m.
tree on city property = city pays for new civic?
if it was on the neighbor's property your insurance co lawyers would be making theirs pay for it - why not see if it works that way for trees on municipal property?
6/28/10 5:08 p.m.
Gotta prove the city knew of an issue with the tree or failed to reasonably inspect the tree. There may also be a prior written notice law in your location which means the city isn't responsible for damage caused by stuff on its property unless they had prior written notice of the problem before it caused the damage. Probably worth a brief conversation with a lawyer.
Are the floormats in good shape? Also I need the rear windshield defroster for a Civic. Did it have a gauge cluster with a tachometer? Any chance you would be willing to sell?