Not mine, etc...
Doors from Lotus Europas of unknown years. White right side door complete with outer handle and latch mechanism. Blue right side door with inner latch mechanism. Red left side door with outer door handle and latch mechanism. All included both glass panels undamaged. Red right side door also available with significant damage. $150 per door. Can work with buyer to arrange shipping. More photos available upon request.

Same guy has bonnets and boots
Hood and trunk panels from unknown year Lotus Europa. Both are free from damage. Willing to arrange shipping with buyer. More photos available upon request.

Those are load-bearing doors! 
I wish Facebook let us know how old these adds are. Over a week could be a broad spectrum. Not that I'm in the market for a spare bonnet and hood, but it wouldn't be an awful thing. I'll low-ball him and see what comes for it.
In reply to Brotus7 :
When some guy has a hoard of Lotus Europa doors, you have to wonder what other kinds of interesting stuff he has kicking around. It's usually worth investigating.
Brotus7 said:
I wish Facebook let us know how old these adds are. Over a week could be a broad spectrum. Not that I'm in the market for a spare bonnet and hood, but it wouldn't be an awful thing. I'll low-ball him and see what comes for it.
It says 6 weeks as I see it.