5% Discount Code: 153F588DE281E4
Expires: January 5, 2022
Please enter this code in the ‘How Did You Hear About Us’ box to receive the discount. Please enter ONLY the discount code, no other words or numbers. All orders are placed online and the discount code must be entered before an order is submitted to receive the discount.

Thanks! Just ordered a new set of rotors for the Jaaaag and a couple oil filters.

Thanks, I just saved over $5 on suspension parts. ...and the prices were already great.
pretty much covers shipping, or tax, in most cases. Thanks!
Thanks, saved a few bucks on air/cabin filters for our cars!
Just grabbed the timing belt kit for my wife's Pilot. The discount all but covered the cost of shipping. There are a lot of issues with counterfeit timing belt kits for Hondas on eBay and Amazon, so I only buy these kits on RockAuto (this is #3 for a 3.5L Honda). This one has been out of stock for a while, so I was glad to get the email notification that they were back in stock. Thank You!
Always saving me basically tax
Indy "Nub" Guy said:
Thanks! Just ordered a new set of rotors for the Jaaaag and a couple oil filters.

Well, E36 M3 !
Rockauto screwed me on this order. The Rotors are the wrong size (too small).
Let's see if they make it right, or loose me as a customer.....
Stay tuned.
Thanks Rockauto! Just ordered a bunch of parts for the Bronco!

2002 RV on a Workhorse chassis. (had to cross reference part numbers, no biggie)
Just the alternator alone from a Workhorse specific site ($380+) was more than my total order of OEM parts from Rockauto, and the shipping is included!

Thanks Rockauto!