Good racing / practice last night. These cars have great parity. I think we should have one more test session next week and then jump in to a series. I am leaning heavily towards driving the 911. People should test the cars and pick one. Hopefully we will end up with a decent variety of cars.
The other option is to draw names from what line I did for the other series. While that is fun I am thinking that I would rather have people in cars they like to drive. The swap rule we used for that series was you can have a re draw from the remaining cars so swapping also had the risk of you getting a worse car.
If there car we can keep the standard swap rule in play. Air can correct me on this but I believe the car swapping rule is you can swap cars but you can not swap back if you start a race with the new car. Car swaps can be made up to the start of the third race and the top three drivers in the series points can not swap cars.
6/22/23 9:22 a.m.
I like how we did it with the GT3 series... you pick a car, and can change cars, but if you change, you can't go back to a car you've already used.
We can do that
Link to the stream of last nights fun
At the 26:32 mark there is a great jump.
Strongly leaning toward the BMW 2002 for myself so far, it's the one that makes me want to pull my hair out the least. It has the most "modern" and conventional handling and braking of the available cars I've tried, its only weakness is that the engine and turbo both need to be at high revs or it just makes sad farting noises instead of power. It's severe enough that I'm worried about whether the car could drive itself out of a sand/gravel trap.
The A110 also has good grip and braking as well but I'm sure it's Porsche-like handling would catch me out eventually, and like the Pantera from the ACL pack, it seems that it's prone to suspension "tangling."
I like the random draw, provided all the cars are decent.
One issue I have with this pack is that the cowl view is awful in a few of the cars. If that could be fixed before we kickoff, I'll drive whatever. I'd honeslty like to take a better run at the RX3, and get a better feel for the Ford Econobox
There are definitely some cars that I don't like in the pack. Me and the 911 just work. So here is hoping I get that in the draw
GameboyRMH said:
it seems that it's prone to suspension "tangling."
Well just don't crash it. . .. ;-)
How about this? Let's have everyone chime in on what car they would like to drive and we can put together a list of what cars people would like to be driving. If there is good diversity in the group we can run with that. If everyone wants to drive the same car then we go to the draw and maybe remove that car from the draw as well so no one gets it. Make sense? I really would like people to be driving a car that they are having fun with if possible but then there is the randomness of the draw that is also fun. . .
In my opinion, all the cars are about equal. What makes one faster than the other is driving style and how people connect with a particular car.
The only cars I don't dislike are the 2002, and the a110
Racebrick WILL be driving the Ford E_scort (filter avoidance).

My god man, it has leopard print seat covers!!!
I really like the A110, but it will clearly get stomped at any longer tracks (it tops out around 115). I would probably drive it anyway. Not like I am likely to make the podium either way.
The 911 is an obvious choice also (although the shifting is an issue for some reason, but I could get used to it).
6/22/23 4:02 p.m.
In reply to aircooled :
Love that!
I'm leaning towards the BMW or E_scort, with the Alfa and 911 tied for 3rd...
But my real cars already look like that.
Does YOUR car have leopard print seat covers?
6/25/23 3:42 p.m.
Watched my fellow One Lap friends take on Pike's Peak this morning. James Clay is currently 6th and Randy Pobst is 10th overall (look at that name dropping). Inspired me to get the SimTraxx version of the hill climb. It's a crazy track. I'm going to use it to test the cars out today. 
6/25/23 5:46 p.m.
Any of these are available, right?

I think the 2000GT is out because it's a bit of a ringer.
I am wondering also if we want to feature (at least 50%) of the tracks to be rather small and tight to advantage the lower power cars (e.g. 110, Mini, Imp) a bit more. This would make the large cars (Fairlane, Merc) essentially non-competitive of course.
6/25/23 9:20 p.m.
In terms of my driving style/preference, I'd go with:
- Mustang
- 2002
- Austin Healey
- Alfa GTA
- Mini
I really want to like the Alfa, but it bites me a lot.
The Mini is the weirdest of the cars inran through today, feels slow but can carry a ton of speed through the corners, feels like you are towing a trailer on lift-throttle.
I probably should drive the 2002. It's fast and predictable. Just have to keep it in VTEC yo.
The Austin has a predictable slide and is easy to control.
The Mustang is a bit boring, but the extra umph helps recover from not perfect corners.
All of the cars need a brake job... Good lord they don't stop.
Highlights from the final race:
6/26/23 4:31 p.m.
I'll probably regret this, but since I haven't done any testing I'll let the group decide my fate. Only requirement is that it be RWD. So, what am I driving?
Lets see. Obviously can't be the BMW, obviously. You have way to much class for the clapped out Esscort (
). Can't deal with the design of the 110, 911 or Imp.
Honestly, I would LOVE to see you get the Fairlane up to speed, but I suspect you will HATE how it drives (all trail braking and power oversteer for turning).
The AMG was certainly competitive last time (even with Dean driving!).
Feel like a bit o German Luxury? If not that, I don't think anyone has jumped on the Mustang, and we had a few of those last time. The Cortina might be a practical option if we go with the half the tracks are small courses concept.
I've been doing additional testing with the Big Healey and I think its very stable. I like it.
e30Matt said:
I'll probably regret this, but since I haven't done any testing I'll let the group decide my fate. Only requirement is that it be RWD. So, what am I driving?
The 510?
if you look back in the tread I posted a comparison of the cars if that helps you.
BradLTL said:
Any of these are available, right?

This is the list that I have narrowed it down to

with my testing lap times all at the same track. I think it was GPD.
6/27/23 3:39 p.m.
In reply to dean1484 :
cool... I'll take the Mustang :)