Well last night was interesting. I had a lot of fun with the Red Pig and there was some really fun racing.
I apologize for the server settings screw up that lead to the restarts and next session problems.
We all seemed to be having turn one issues and while last night we all seemed to be having fun I am sorry to those that I punted in turn one. Something I need to work on. I was was very sloppy out there. It is like I am racing a top fuel dragster in a field of Minis. Something that happened more than a coupe times in the second race was people passing me as I am coming up to speed but not clearing me due to my car accelerating faster than the other cars. People would then come across in front of me thinking they are clear and pitting them selfs.
All in all last light was lots of fun but the server issues combined with the multiple contacts is not the event we are striving for.
Remember the rules regarding contact. If you cause someone to go off you are supposed to wait for them unless they tell you to go. I definitly was not following that last night and it kind of made for a bit of a crash up derby.
With the great power of the red pig comes great responsibility. I need to do better. I lost track of the number of cars I made contact with in the second race. That is not the kind of racing I want to promote here. Yes the disparity between the cars and the extreme differences in handeling and acceleration contributed to the issues but as a driver I need to do better. I really don't want the series to devolve in to that kind of racing. Contact should be minimized and putting someone off means you wait for them needs to be more closely adhered to.
I am seriously considering not racing the red pig next week. It really does not play nice with other cars and I know it must be extremely frustrating for those trying to pass me only to see me speed off on the straits to then basically come to a stop in the next corner. Yes it will be extremely competitive at next weeks track but II absolutely don't want a replete of last nights performance. That is not what we are trying to promote here.
Very bummed to have missed a few weeks in a row with the wrist injury. Looks like things are finally healed up enough that next week I'll be able to join back in!
Worst case, turn down your force feedback and drive with one hand.... it's what the gansta's do. 

8/25/23 10:52 a.m.
Air and I had a pretty good back and forth battle in the back of the pack during race 2... kinda a battle of misfits.
Just an interesting note Colin still won with 225 kg of added weight. All ball busting aside that is really impressive!!!
...or pretty sad statement for the rest of us...
Here are the Results and Standings. There is a crazy close race for 3rd at this point!

This weekend has provided more time than usual to practice, which I haven't really done much of yet, so I am really looking forward to seeing if it pays off on Wednesday. It's just too tempting to go full tilt and get sloppy. Gotta try to learn some discretion.
Just another day at the track. Top Tip: Pushing an Alpha sideways down the track will cost your at least a few seconds a lap. 

In reply to aircooled :
Such unseemly behavior from our host. Makes one wonder if it's all a ruse, and we're all just so much meat for his big red grinder.
As mentioned above, I jumped on for some more offline practice this evening and managed to find some time as well as learn a little more about setting up the 2002 Turbo. The ghost car feature was helpful in learning what worked best for each section of the track. Goodwood seems pretty bumpy, so I played with ride height a bit, and it definitely had an effect. At minimum height, the car had more grip, but was edgier and less predictable. Max ride height made the car less nervous and easier to drive at the expense of some theoretical speed. For now I have it set at 15 out of 25 as a starting point.
I'm not fast, but I'm slowly getting faster. Wednesday should be all kinds of fun.
What can I say. I was not going to lift. :-)
I don't remember that specific incident but it was most likely one of the self pitting maneuvers that people were doing trying to pass me. I may join team Brad in a mustang this week. But even the mustang was disappearing in to the distance behind me on the straits.
In reply to dean1484 :
I thought I had cleared you before the turn in but I clearly had not, thus the self pit maneuver :(
All in all though, there was a lot of racing that was kept very clean, especially considering the number of cars on track.
In reply to aircooled :
I really appreciate the work and time you put in to get those videos put together. It's pretty great to go back and see some of the things we missed while trying to keep it between the ditches.
8/29/23 7:08 a.m.
In reply to aircooled :
After watching the replay, I have a proposed mod for Dean's Merc...

You all are just jealous that I don't need a road to be fast in the Red Pig. ;-)
Edit: Just doing my best emulation of the pass in the grass. 
And about being fast. This weeks track is very fast and contact can sent you way off track. I hope everyone is getting some track time in before tomorrows race.
I got the Merc down to the 1:33s. I worked with the setup a bit and made some improvements in that but more importantly getting the brake points correct are a must here.
Last weeks race while probably one of the most fun ones I have had in a while was also to much contact going for me. I am trying not to have a repeat of that.
Lastly a small reminder to everyone to maybe dial it back just a little in the first couple corners of the races. People should consider the radar app if they are not using it. It can be really helpful.
BradLTL said:
In reply to aircooled :
After watching the replay, I have a proposed mod for Dean's Merc...

I have actually had those on cars that I have owned. Came on a Cadillac I had.
8/29/23 10:37 p.m.
Great video as always. Thanks for letting me take the viewers for a lap of the track. LOL
A thought for tonight: Maybe we should do a bit of a "track walk" by having someone like Colin (maybe in another car) or Darwin drive us through a lap and note the braking points and things to watch for. This will also be a good way to show everyone how to observe from someone else's car.
I also had a thought for a "mercy rule" for Colin. His car HC is getting absurd and his lead is almost unsurmountable at this point. Maybe we give him the option to switch car and loose his HC... but.... certainly not a fast car....
My thoughts are this:
1) leave the practice/coaching/track walks for a different night. I'd love to participate and get some tips. I always go faster after a little coaching from Sauce or Colin. BUT, it makes an already long/disorganized session even longer.
2) We briefly discussed on discord the other night some sort of penalty rule to minimize T1/2 chaos. Its frustrating when you do good work/qualify well, or practice early in the week only to be punted completely off track. i think some minimal penalty + a focus on this (replay review after race) would help us all be aware of what we are doing and encourage some cleaner racing.
3) No mercy for Colin. Ever!
After watching the replay I was being "a bit overly aggressive" :-) with the Merc last week. Actually, it is how you have to drive the car but it is not in keeping with what I have been trying to promote here. I am going to keep using it as a teaching/learning thing for me for the rest of the series. I have to do better!!!!
8/30/23 4:38 p.m.
I'm with Pro that a full track walk type thing would take too long, but I don't mind doing a quick lap or two to talk about some of the important areas on track and some rough guidelines. Really given how diverse the cars are general guidance is probably the best unless you're doing actual instruction.
8/30/23 5:32 p.m.
aircooled said:
I also had a thought for a "mercy rule" for Colin. His car HC is getting absurd and his lead is almost unsurmountable at this point. Maybe we give him the option to switch car and loose his HC... but.... certainly not a fast car....
I would say to cap the penalty for Colin. He's kicking our ass, but I don't think we want to make driving in the series un-fun.
An alternate theory for the next series. We run teams of 2. You are paired with the opposite of your finishing position in this series. So, Colin will get partnered up with whoever is scored dead ass last and the points will be cumlative for the team. Whoever gets 2nd is paired with the 2nd-to-last finisher, and so on. We also need to increase the point payout for more positions (maybe 20). We'll still apply penalty weight for finishing position for individuals.