3/5/22 10:47 p.m.
BradLTL said:
My situation has improved, I'm now stranded in Charlotte. I think TJ and Sauce live around here?
Dude, you should have PM'd me, I live like 15 minutes from the Charlotte airport. I'm obviously seeing this way too late, but for future reference if you get stuck in Charlotte again hit me up, I'm close and have a guest room.
In reply to e30Matt :
American airlines put me in a classy location...

3/9/22 11:08 a.m.
Found this site randomly today...
Could be useful for finding and/or advertising.
Some really close racing last night!!! The HC seems to be doing its thing. Sauce was on a different level than the rest of us but with his freshly minted HC increase next week should tighten things up a bunch. Here is hoping we get a larger turnout next week as it should be some really close racing.
The new server is up with the corrected track. People should update to the most recent Barber track on the Google drive as it has all the updated content in it to match what is running on the server.
I am looking forward to Airs videos this week as there was some really good racing as well as some interesting "events".
Gameboy and I had some great racing in the first race. That was a bunch of fun!!! I had no idea that you could make a Mini so wide.
I did a little tuning on the mini with tire pressures after the races to test the servers to make sure things were all set for next week.
If anyone has any ideas for some test and tune stuff I can put that up on the 2nd server.
For some reason Brad, your link is showing me a video I recently watched and nothing to do with AC (about Jerry Cans). Maybe it's just me?
3/13/22 10:04 a.m.
In reply to aircooled :
I'm pretty sure Dean was talking about Jerry cans the other night.
I was. I saw the Harbor Freight was selling them and the reviews look very good. They look to be made by the original manufacturer to OE spec. The only difference appears to be the spout has been changed to comply with current laws.
Server is back up. It looks like we had a windows update and a reboot.
So Air / Pro. Do you think you could model this and we can race it?
That looks like the moved the engine from the appropriate location.
I forgot about posting the Results / Standings.

Of Note: The Gran Tourismo Car Pack (I re-labled them all with GTCP) does have editable liveries.
I will re upload it to the server.
dean1484 said:
So Air / Pro. Do you think you could model this and we can race it?
I can model that, but I still havent taken the time to get up to speed on blender to do the FBX grouping necessary.
The physics there wouldn't be much of an issue. Just a stupid wide rear track, and solid axle instead of independent.
It is race day!!! I hit the track after TDT last night and boy am I not good at this track!!! My HC has taken a second or so off my times. Looking forward to some good racing tonight.
Excellent racing last night!!! There seemed to be great battles all through the field. Air should have some great video to work with this week
I did seem like we has some exciting racing, even in the first race. I think some was the track and some was the HC.
It's going to be brutal on Sauce next week with the HC. I suspect he might do decent on the first race since he might still qualify well and the track is hard to pass on. But he will probably be in trouble for the second. I suspect he really wants a 4th place finish though!
I was really surprised how hard it was to pass on that track last night.
Next week's track does not work with the track map app so I am going to have to take the time to actually learn it. It is also narrow so passing is going to be tough and there is way less room for over cooking a corner or getting the line wrong.
I think the difficulty passing had to do with the fact we ran that track a lot so most were pretty used to it.
Lots of stuff going on in the last race:
I did not realize that sauce and I were side by side for that long.