In reply to calteg:
I play these games typically with a loot everything and cause mayhem mentality.
So, the power armor suits my needs quite well. Heck, I took down a Deathclaw with Rognak's axe last night in the mayoral bunker without taking even 25% damage.....I've grown quite fond of setting mini nukes off the chain against large concentrations of pathetic people though.
11/18/15 7:50 a.m.
I just bought this game and started playing last night. What have I done...?
11/18/15 7:54 a.m.
In reply to Powar:
Lost 80 hours of your possible sleep time over the next couple of weeks? Because that's how it's been for me. Wife falls asleep and I play for a couple hours.
Powar wrote:
I just bought this game and started playing last night. What have I done...?
You shall become death, destroyer of worlds......until you come across a legendary mirelurk that eats you for breakfast. 
A couple things I've noted, you cannot seem to die from falling while in Power armor(I jumped off a skyscraper last night to test this theory), you cannot seem to drown while wearing power armor(you can explore the neat aspects of Boston harbor), legendary mirelurks are awful to get attacked by, and the Constitution can fly(for a little bit)
11/18/15 1:07 p.m.
RossD wrote:
In reply to Powar:
Lost 80 hours of your possible sleep time over the next couple of weeks? Because that's how it's been for me. Wife falls asleep and I play for a couple hours.
You just made me feel much better about myself. I'm only 25 hours in.
Around level 18 seems to be the pivot point when I felt like I finally have enough supplies.Then again I've been running and finding a bed rather than use stimpacks or purified water
Just 20 hours as of this moment but only just level 13. I am a sneaky bastard though. Takes time to one shot people across a map area.
In reply to calteg:
I've run low on stimpacks twice, now that I can make them, I have more than I ever need on me at all times(since they weigh nothing)
I need to figure out where to purchase cannonballs.....the broadsider is awesome.
11/18/15 1:34 p.m.
In reply to WOW Really Paul?:
How do you make them? I usually grab purified water or cook some meat.
Purified water, blood pack, and something else at a chem station
In reply to singleslammer:
Antiseptic(which seems to be the rarest of the components)
It seems like I need to buy this game asap.
Last night I started experimenting with Jet and Psycho. I never seem to take advantage of the many meds that the wastelands have to offer.
During a surprise encounter with a Deathclaw, I popped some Psycho and my character yelled out, "F***ING KILL!"
My girlfriend poked her head around the corner, absolutely convinced that I said it. 
Ha ha, I have used Jet and Psycho a few times. A building full of Super Mutants and a Psycho is a good time.
Also, managed to kill my first Deathclaw today. All it took was a Fat Man (Mini Nuke) and a bunch of shots with a heavily modded Laser Rifle. Scared the bejeesus out of me when I jumped down into that pit and there was a GD Deathclaw coming around the corner.
In reply to Mr_Clutch42:
Yes, it is the most entertaining game over a long period of time I have played in a long time (maybe ever). The only other contenders being other Bethesda games. I can deal with the occasional bugs given the awesome sprawling nature and constant cool stuff to find/kill.
I have taken the tactic of discovering and going the initial reckon of areas without power armor and then using the fast travel option to go back to fight and clean up.
If you have turrets around settlements, go out once in a while to clean up any radstags, stingwings and other animals the turret kill for supplies.
Equipping settlers with metal armor and better weapons helps them defend the settlements better, but as I learned, you just can hand items to them, you have to command them to equip them or they just carry it all around. I have also started to give only the settlers assigned to guard duty welding goggles so I can tell their assignment just by looking at them.
In reply to singleslammer: Yeah, I loved Fallout 3 and New Vegas. I'm just having some trouble trying to get my character to be an unarmed boxer and melee expert, I can't find enough fusion cores for the Power Armor. I also need to find better regular armor.
In reply to Mr_Clutch42:
Once you get the Prydwen to show up, fusion cores will rain from the sky....
I rented it. After 2 hours:
I'm still not sure I understand it all, but it's pretty cool.
In reply to Tom Suddard:
In typical Florida fashion, did you rent it as a time share? 
Nah, had a Redbox promo and figured it was worth a few dollars. Definitely going on the Christmas list!
In reply to Tom Suddard:
That's about how my first fallout experience went (fallout new Vegas).
Spend a lot of time figuring things out, make some poor and sometimes irreversible choices. And after about 80 hours in, decide to start a new game now that you've figured out what you are doing.
I'm about 12 hours into new Vegas game 2. Just put in a few hours today with all this fallout talk lately and no next gen consoles here.
I am enjoying my sneak build but want a melee build. I did find a crazy strong knife that does poison and bleeding damage at the very bottom of a mine on the north side of the map.
11/23/15 8:11 a.m.
Shooting a mutant suicider in the arm and getting him to drop his bomb before he gets too close is neverending fun. I major in sniper rifles with a gunslinger/shotgun backup plan. I'd rather finish the fight before it even gets started.
Picking up the PS4 this week and a copy of the game soon. Cannot wait to start wasting more of my life!
In reply to ncjay:
I carry a suppressed 50, a hopped up to high hell Gauss rifle(railgun that will take a deathclaw's head off), combat shotgun, 10mm explosive auto pistol, and an explosive Thompson.
In an awesome development, I no longer worry about being over encumbered in distant parts of the map as I can toss a smoke grenade and the Brotherhood sends a vertibird gunship to give me a ride wherever I want.