New Reader
4/30/14 3:43 p.m.
I am REDLINE 0729, Welcome to my IT(M) Lobby!
1990 - 2014
Forza Wing/Splitter: NOT AUTHORIZED!
HP: 250
Weight: >2200
Weight Reduction: See Above requirement
Brakes: Race
Suspension & Sway Bars: Race
Wheels: BBS(third set), Volk TE37, TSW(1st set), Enkie RPF01
Tires: Sport, <235x17/OE(if OE is 18, then OE)
Trans: Sport
Driveline: NO SWAPS
Engine: NO SWAPS. All other engine mods Authorized
Power Adders: NO turbo or Supercharger
Cage: Yes
Diff: Race
Clutches, Flywheels, Driveshafts: Free
After tonight's racing, we have a good set up. The vehicles that are available in the game from 1990 - 2014 will fit within the tuning set ups with a lot of cars. Some work, some do not. Don't be afraid to set up a car that is heavier than the specs because some perform really well.
Whats a subscription to Xbox live cost per year or month or whatever, Id really like to get into some of these??
$35-40 bucks for a year subscription if you keep an eye out for deals. I bet there will be one popping up in the next couple weeks on
Yay, another build
. I still need to learn how to pilot the damn thing though. Every time I think I've got it figured out I race with you lot and end up 10 seconds behind. I know I brake way early for everything. ChrispyNick is my XBL tag.
5/1/14 11:11 a.m.
In reply to chrispy:
practice practice practice, I ran through some season mode the other night as I couldn't connect to fried's game, its been awhile, yet still set some new leaderboard times for myself. The IT racing is fun for awhile, but I still prefer unlimited A or B class racing.
In reply to yamaha: Just like everything else
In reply to clutchsmoke:
Hmmm...thats not bad, I thought it was $20-30/month.
5/2/14 10:40 a.m.
In reply to Fobroader:
Normal pricing for a year is $59.99. I can't remember if they charge 19.99 per month or for 3 months though, I didn't want autorenewal, so I just buy codecards anymore.
In reply to yamaha:
Well then, I shall soon join the ranks of the Xbox live crowd. I want to do some online racing, Ive tried the Call of Duty, Halo and Medal of Honor online and those people are way too serious for my tastes.
5/2/14 12:39 p.m.
In reply to Fobroader:
Oooooo, the racers still on FM4 are going to be some of the more serious guys.....The A-class lobby I ran the other night was shocking. Relatively clean racing with randoms and everyone running top-2000 worthy leaderboard times. My C2 corvette hasn't had a workout running against people like that for over a year. 
In reply to yamaha:
What I meant by serious is by that is all they do, as much as I liked having 12 year olds questioning my mothers sexual history it wasnt for me, I am a casual gamer......these "winners: were online gaming extraordinaires. I play a few times a month and am sick of beating the computer, Im not going to be the guy with the wheel, pedals and racing seat in the living room.
New Reader
5/6/14 10:16 p.m.
After tonight's racing, we have a good set up. The vehicles that are available in the game from 1990 - 2014 will fit within the tuning set ups with a lot of cars. Some work, some do not. Don't be afraid to set up a car that is heavier than the specs because some perform really well.
The reason for spec wheels is because there is no way that a heavy wheel like those dang Lexani's/DUB's, et al, would break axles and bearings before a single race lap was done, so NO, get them out of my lobby. Build a race car, and treat them like real cars!
Now as the man said(Boris Said? Said What? Who Said? Boris Said!),"Let's Get it ON!"
I am such a big fan of FriedGreen's IT sessions I am really looking forward to this as well since this seems to really open up the entry list.
I started building some cars last night. I would like to list the build specs out in a more clear fashion, sorry sometimes I can be an idiot and I want to get this right. I will list them out and if there are any errors, omissions or miss characterizations please let me know.
Specs: B500
Cars from 1990 - 2014
HP Max = 2200pds
Race Brakes, Race Suspension, Race Sway Bars, Race Roll Cage
Sport Transmission
Free to use any level Differential, Clutches, Flywheels or Driveshafts
MANDATORY Wheels: BBS(3rd set), Volk TE37, TSW(1st set), Enkie RPF01
Tires: Sport level <=235x17 or 18" OE only.
NO ENGINE SWAPS. All other engine mods Authorized
NO TURBO or SUPERCHARGER additions to NA motors
TURBO or SUPERCHARGER upgrades to existing systems are allowed as long as power stay under 250hp max.
Do I have this right?
Questions on drivetrain. Is OEM AWD (not a drivetrain change) allowed and is there a weight penalty?
New Reader
5/14/14 9:15 p.m.
First, let me address my future absence from tgrm. On the 18th, our old family plan, which was turned into four separate individual plans, all expire. We will wait for the email from Microsoft telling us the old CC's didn't work, and allow the accounts to self delete. At that time, we will make two separate accounts, one for the basement, and one for upstairs. Basement will have some form of Redline in the GT. I will also post it on the FB page for FGC's page.
If a car is NA, it stays NA. If it has a turbo, good luck giving it a larger turbo with the hp:weight requirement, but bottom line is 250hp is 250hp
NO SWAPS for ENGINE, OR DRIVELINE is correct. If the car, AS PURCHASED in the game, is FWD, RWD, AWD, it STAYS that way. Remember, in a AWD vehicle, you CAN adjust for FWD or RWD behavior by adjusting the Diff settings.
As to a weight penalty, the lowest weight possible is 2200# with no more than 250hp. There are very few cars that will go all the way to 2200#, but I have noted that several cars that weigh a lot more give either a faster or similar lap time to my two S-Chassis cars(S13, S15), my Lexus/Altezza, and a few others. Even the ones that are what I call my pigs, they still get around the track just as fast.
That R32 Golf I was driving that first night is just over 3000lbs, and 248hp
"I'm Fried Green Corrado, and I approve this message."
Yeah, my stuff is mostly for older cars, I never even thought about getting modern ones into it. Redline, I've got an RSX that I've been working on for your previous incarnation of the rules. I'll take some time and see if I can 'legal up' for it. Sounds great.