Dean wrote:
The testing list from Matt
blockquote>e30Matt wrote:
The current series thread was getting crowded and somewhat diluted with testing ideas/results mixed in with regular series talk so I figured it was time this had its own thread.
So far the proposed series are:
90's Japanese (full tuner, 450pp, SM tires)
Peugeot 908 SSS series
Spec Miata (425pp, all modifications allowed, SS tires)
$20M car challenge (fun, but not feasible)
Ferrari 430 Scuderia SSS series (550pp, SS tires)
Max Tune GTR Black series (full tuner, any tires, fuel/tire wear)
Shelby Cobra Spec
Honda type-r FF (90's-00's, FWD, car claims for winners)
Ferrari F40 spec
x-bow spec
light car spec
motorsport elise all mods except power allowed
DTM (1990?-2007? 4dr non-race cars, 500pp, race tires, all mods)
106 rallye spec (300pp?)
tuscan speed 6 touring car spec
Tune what is stock on the car Spec Silvia.
SSS Lotus Evora
Full tuner GT86 Race Car Base Model. I think 500pp?
SSS Scirocco R
Stepped RUF series (start at low PP and work up)
From initial runs it seems like the Spec Miata and Japanese 90's series are popular, but a ton of these have yet to be tested. Please post any opinions, other proposals, testing results, etc.
Lets also talk about user made tracks that could be used. I have a few that I have made and also sharing some made by others that I like.
Tokachi Speedway (I have not had a chance to test yet to see if its any good), Watkins Glen (w/ elevation), Grampian Circuit, Dominion Raceway, Silver Creek Raceway, SPK Summit Point Kart.
Grampian Circuit and Summit Point Kart are Kart tracks I scaled up. Grampian has banked corners and longer straights, SPK is flat and technical. Dominion Raceway the layout is accurate. I found out the real track width after the fact and have not had a chance to try and rebuild it at the correct width, I may not be able to with the tightness of many of the corners, but I am pretty sure I have it at 30-32' width already. Its supposed to be 36' wide.!/friend/retrohoon/course/
The Yamayota Bay track is more drift oriented but may be a good spot to line up for some quick photos. It has 2 roadside restaurant parking areas on it. It seems they can randomly spawn when you create a track in Andalusia.
I think that we should scratch the Miata series and the stepped RUF series and go with the $60K series we tested. I just tested the Viper GTS-R Race Car, but I don't think I can tune the suck out of it. We should look at the 3400S (Boxster) with SM tires, full race suspension, and stage 2 lightening.
11/13/15 10:24 a.m.
The series that always produce the closest racing are untuned one car type in the 425-550 pp range on sport tires.
One of the thoughts is to run historic or personally significant races on re-created tracks. e.g. the first IROC race at Riverside in 911 Carrera RSR's (RUF BTR's, maybe tuned down a bit), or one of Deans old races at Bridgehampton in tuned smaller bore street cars. I am sure Argo could come up with an interesting one. Probably not a every week thing, but maybe something we throw in as special race weeks.
For real track maker tracks I have:
Sebring should be pretty accurate (it's a flat track anyway). Lime rock is similar, but the elevations are off a bit.

I need to try an elevation version of Bridgehampton and Riverside. Riverside is not a great track, just historical (more interesting in very hard to drive cars). Gingerman is actually a pretty nice little track.!/friend/allaircooled/course/
In reply to Argo: Those mods should make the 3400S actually good. 
One idea I have is to run the Renault Sport Mégane R.S. '08 stock with SM tires.
I also think that we should run 2 race car series.
Edit: I also second Argo's suggestion of the Elise 111R race car suggestion.
Mr_Clutch42 wrote:
I think that we should scratch the Miata series and the stepped RUF series and go with the $60K series we tested. I just tested the Viper GTS-R Race Car, but I don't think I can tune the suck out of it. We should look at the 3400S (Boxster) with SM tires, full race suspension, and stage 2 lightening.
Well we just ran the Miata's so they are out. The list was a cut and past from last seasons testing list with out editing.
The stepped RUF is something I want to do just because of the challenge and it would change up cars ever 2 weeks. On the other hand they can be real hand fulls to drive but there is quite a diversity of cars and how they drive. From the yellow bird that is a tail loose PITA to the 3400 that is a wonderful car to the AWD thing that is a plowing SOB. But I also want this to be fun and be racing each other not an exercise in frustration with cars that irritate people where we are just trying to make the cars work.
Something else I would like is to take the tune we had on the Nova and put it on other Muscle cars and see if there is a Muscle Car take 2 series. However that was a rather recent series so it should probably be shelved for a while.
Ohhh, I know, I want to re visit the JTC series using my original rules with out the fuel and tire ware. My testing of them found them to be very competitive but once we added the fuel and tire ware it really killed that series for me as there was one big ringer and one big looser.
If not a revamped JTC series then how about a GT300 or GT500? (I want to drive my AWD Opel
Something else would be a power to weight spec Ferrari series or possibley use the mucel car tuning ruels with there street cars only and possibly also getting rid of the 458 as it seems to be a ringer of the bunch from my testing when all other things are equal. It would be fun to have a bunch of them on track
I also think a spec Mini series (the old mini's) would be a hoot. I am not a big fan of FWD but I am sure others are and we need some diversity.
I would also like to consider a spec Lotus series using the race car version of the car that Argo chose for his drivers choice. Keep it stock with maybe an upgrade to SM or SS tires. That car was a hoot to drive and would work on all types of tracks.
Mr_Clutch42 wrote:
One idea I have is to run the Renault Sport Mégane R.S. '08 stock with SM tires.
I think we just ran this car or another similar Mégane race car.
As an alternate to the Step RUF series (since some of the cars where less then interesting to drive stock), we could revisit the RR series, where we went from low performance (e.g. Bug, Fiat 500) to high (Yellowbird). We would probably want to do a non-tuning MC style bump on the slower car though since the Bug and F500 are VERY slow stock. Or do some bolt on mods to some of the RUF's to make them more interesting.
I should probably mess with the idea of doing bolt on upgrades to the bug. In stock form they are pretty bad (from the Bug series), but I am not sure if that was before the tire physics change or not.
I should also note that Sauce and (argh
) Mudd, have some extra pull on what we should run next season.
... so, what sort of odd French car will we be driving Mudd? 
In reply to aircooled:
Italian actually ,almost same thing were related!!!
Can u say "fiat 500 whisperer"???
early model full tune
Ya we did a bug series not to long ago. I can do with out those for a while.
Mudd there is your idea of the Dino series. I liked it I stock form.
I wasn't suggesting a bug series, just using bugs or F500's for the start of a RR series.
I am in on that action! If we can go with no ABS and shifter and clutch that would be ideal! 
Dean let us know if you have some things you definitely want to test on Sunday.
I am particularly interested in the full tune F500's, and the "Keith" tune muscle cars. (Being a retro kind of guy) Both of which would clearly need some testing.
Most of the cars in the Drivers Choice series would make good spec cars. Argos Lotus seemed like a pretty crowd friendly car if I remember correctly.
Seems like Japanese 90's Tuner Cars is a lock, so we could use two other non-tuner series, and maybe another tuner.
Lets all get what ever Mini Mudd wants to what ever tune spec he said and yes those.
I would also like to test stock Dino's. No oil change.
We will run some more 90s cars.
What else?
What are the F500's? Fiat 500 F?
Also the Keith Tune muscle cars, is that the aforementioned Nova tune? I can dig and find that.
Yes, F500 are the first gen Fiat 500's. I think there are 3 or 4 versions.
The Keith tune is that Nova tune. It's essentially bolt ons and the rear suspension setup like an actual straight axle:
- Ride height - 90
- Dampers - All set to 4
- Anti Roll Bars - 4 and 4
- Rear Toe and Camber set to 0
Not sure the ride height and dampers are necessary, but we can test that.
In reply to aircooled:
The newest (old) fiat 500 is a premium model with some aero options. The car is kind of a hoot all maxed out loose but manageable.
dean check out this vid
if that dont work . the title is "the lost and the furious-short film by rob dahm" on youtube
then watch "UPS sold my motor on eBay" same guy
Couldnt help but think of YOU when i came accross this guys vids on this story
Give us the spec on the Mini. What one should we run and what are the tuning specs. Is it tune to a pp with all options open to adjustment or a max tune?
I also like the idea of a Japanese GT300 or GT500 race car series and a Ferrari 458 or 430 Scuderia series, I just forgot to mention it (GT500).
In reply to dean: The Renault Sport Megane R.S. 08 was one of the grab bag cars, but I wanted to suggest a stock FF car that's not Japanese since we will run the Japanese 90s cars, and two races is only a small taste, especially for people that didn't run them back to back.