My daughter is looking for a Big Ruckus alternative. She likes the Big Ruckus, but they are difficult to find and are costly when they can be found. She needs something than CAN do 50 mph (if necessary), is automatic and is rugged enough for some of the dirt roads here in the Poconos. Looking for ideas, new or used.
How about an old Honda SL 125 or 175? Easily do 50mph, simple as a lawn mower, no problem with dirt and way cooler than a Ruckus. Possibly free if you can find and DIY the non-running fix 'er up.

EDIT: Really just google for small bore dual sports instead of kitchy almost scooters. A TW200 or XT225 or CRF250 or KLX250S... you get the picture. But here is one in case you don't ;)
The Yamaha WRR250R

3/23/15 3:23 p.m.
I'm in the "Make her learn how to shift" camp.....otherwise a big rukus might be the only option that makes sense. 
In reply to yamaha:
I ignored the automatic requirement because I assume she has two working arm/hand pairs and 15 minutes of free time to master shifting but if that turns out to be false... I'd mod one of those fake Vespas from a thread someone posted the other day with knobbies and a larger front wheel.
In reply to Giant Purple Snorklewacker:
If she would shift I would give her my 71 T250 with a newly-rebuilt engine, new tires, brakes, etc. She wants auto and only auto. I have been down this road with her. Ugh. It was painful.
In reply to Appleseed:
Heck, I like this for me!.
Dude, I can shift- can I have your T250?
Any scooter should be able to handle mild dirt road riding, she can probably get whatever's cheap enough and big enough and add tires to suit.
In reply to ¯_(ツ)_/¯:
You are not my daughter. ;)
She is being picky. She wants a naked scooter which can do dirt roads and 55 MPH. Basically, it has to have an exposed frame like the Ruckus. She is being difficult. Thx for trying.
3/23/15 5:34 p.m.
I know there are Chinese copies of small ruckus. Maybe a similar version of the big one?
Yeah, if you are looking for an exposed frame scooter that'll do 50 MPH, you pretty much have the Big Ruckus and Chinese GY6 Ruckus clones.
If she'll accept something with bodywork, maybe a used Zuma 125 could do the trick.
3/23/15 8:06 p.m.
She obviously only wants one thing.....le sigh
Moparman wrote:
Looking for ideas, new or used.
Seems like the little lady made up her mind and now you just need to say "No" or reach in to your pocket and produce funds 
My buddy has a 88cc MadAss. Started as a 50cc liFan, then threw a kit on it. Its basically a CT90 clone. It'll do 50-55 with a 185lb dude on it. You can get them in 4sp or twist-n-go.
3/24/15 12:49 a.m.
The MadAss is indeed a neat bike. Shame there's no dealer in Las Vegas