So I am looking at cheapo dual sport bikes. My only real requirements be that it is super cheap ($1.5k) or I can trade one of my half finished projects for it and it has to have a DC power supply. I am fine if it has been converted to DC with a different stator, but I am trying to avoid that expense. Also, I need it to be within about 6 hours of Columbia, MO so I can pick it up in a comfortable day. I have been looking at everything from TTR250s to Sherpas to DR-Z400S. Anybody have any leads on such a beast?
5/16/13 11:06 a.m.
I don't think you're going to find a DRZ for that kind of money.
There is one near me now with 25K miles on it that looks very nice for $1900. If I had $1900, I would be bringing it home. Anyone want the Jeep that I got from JohninKansas?
I don't think the TTR is a dual sport from the factory, so you would be looking at conversions or converting yourself, the difficulty/cost of that varies by state. In your price range you will find KLR 250's, Super Sherpas, XT225's, TW200's, DR200SE's, DR125SE's, maybe some CRF230L's if the existence of the much-better 250L has killed their value already...
Which one to get really depends on what you're going to use it for. The TW, for example, is not the bike to get if you want to spend lots of time on 55mph roads.
That said, these things are all complete dogs compared to that DRZ, a DRZ is a really capable bike. That's a lot of miles for for a dual sport, but if it checks out and you can get the owner to a price you can live with, go for it!
5/16/13 6:18 p.m.
ShadowSix wrote:
I don't think the TTR is a dual sport from the factory, so you would be looking at conversions or converting yourself, the difficulty/cost of that varies by state.
It's a breeze in MO, for the record.
New Reader
5/16/13 6:24 p.m.
This is relevant to my interests. I moved cross country and went from an area where it seemed the whole state was paved to an area where thousands of acres of wilderness await.
I will be interested to see what you end up with.
Well if I can get my budget up to 2k, there is a crf230f for sale at 2k that has all the road gear on it already. Also just found a xt250 09 for 2k.
5/17/13 5:42 a.m.
I bought this for $1200.

Deals are out there, you just have to be patient. When you're shopping this price range you can't be worried about how purty it is.
I actually agreed to pick up the 2009 Yamaha XT250 on Monday. Smoking deal, imo, at 2k with all new wearable items (battery, brakes, and tires). The guy wants to get out of his payment and get a GS650. Pretty excited. This is thanks to my awesome wife who said I could "borrow" the difference until I sell the jeep. Woohoo!
In reply to singleslammer:
Wow, that is an amazing deal! Especially in May, that is cheaper than I have EVER seen an XT250. I have an XT225 and, as long as your plans don't include much interstate time, it is a pretty good little bike. The chief weakness of the 225 is weak spokes, I think they fixed that for the 250? Anyway, congrats on a really well bought dual sport!
Yeah, I am pretty excited. I think that it will be a great starter bike for me.
Welp, the guy flaked on me. Back to the drawing board.
Damn, too good to be true.
Is that DRZ still around? In the interest of full disclosure: a DRZ400S would be a decent first bike... as long as you are a tall/long-legged guy. It's a tall bike. It'll squat down a little with your weight on it though.
What sort of riding are you looking to do?