The carbs on my T250 had sticking slides. No matter what I tried they would stick. I picked up a set of used carbs. They worked great. I went out to the bike today and the slides on teh new carbs arer stuck. Even WD40 won't make them slide. What gives?
Are they galled (or is the interior of the carb itself galled?) I'd think about maybe some careful sanding with 600 grit paper, but not so much to make them loose.
Nope. They slide fine when not mounted. I have discovered that if I tighten them down too snug, the tower warps and the slides bind. if I tighten them modestly, the work fine. I should be starting it soon. I will have to check for leaks and snug them down just enough.
If its gummed gas/oil, you might try soaking...
Just finished going through a carb that had a seized slide, but the gas in the bowl was a solid (looked like mica)
Soaked for about a week in Pinesol and got it freed up (had to chip at the solids, but it was dissolving them)
In reply to Apexcarver:
These are cleaned carbs. I mean squaky clean. The slide normally unless they are torqued down all the way to the engine.
You'll have to clean the WD40 out of them, eventually. That stuff turns gummy over time and attracts dirt.
11/25/12 8:23 a.m.
Do theses bolt to a rail or bolt hard on to the head? If they slide easy before bolting on then slide hard when bolted then they are deforming. It's not unheard of. Stud mounted to the head normal have a O-ring to seal. do you have new rings or a mix of old?
Mounts to head with an o-ring and the o-ring is there in good condition.
In reply to Basil Exposition:
The carbs were thoroughly cleaned.
11/25/12 1:14 p.m.
Well then your left with either a warped carb body or head flange surface.
get a sheet of glass slap down a 320grit D/A disk (self stick type) and polish the carb flange. Pull the studs in the head and polish the head area too.
Carb bodys do warp with time, ask anyone whos messed with Amal's zinc body carbs... 
In reply to 44Dwarf:
It is the head flange. Carbs are fine until you torque them down all the way.