ST_ZX2 wrote:
Buell S3 Thunderbolt
I own that! Just got back in from riding.
I'm not here to defend HD. They do over price their bikes which is why a lot of us won't buy from them. My other gripe about HD is the attitude at local dealers. I'm a mere 37 years old. Most times I'm the youngest guy in the shop who might ride. The sales guys won't give me a second look. Np. I bought quite a few Buell's used and at great prices. I love them. Inexpensive, simple, handle well, and have enough power for street riding. I haven't had a reliability issue with any of the three I've owned.
- 97 M2 Cyclone
- 98 S3 Thunderbolt
- TL1000S - bought this when I wanted more power. Later sold because the riding position was rough.
- 01 S3
I will say the HD/Buell's can't be abused like a jap bike or ridden on the redline for hours at a time. They just won't hold up to that abuse. Jap engines will....for a time. But most guys don't see the end result of that thrashing as sport bike riders tend to hold a bike for 5 years or so unless they're touring riders. Touring guys, in my experience, have longer relationships with bikes. They also maintain them religiously and ride more sedately.
Let's consider some points below since the penis measuring has begun. I won't win but I'll stretch mine out just for kicks. 
FlightService wrote:
I would like to see a new Dyna Glide on a dealer floor for $12,900
It has been quoted often that Honda lost money on every VFR every sold. HD can't afford that economy. Again, HD's are over priced when new. Buy a slightly older one, or cheaper yet a Buell, and you'll come out ahead.
FlightService wrote:
Electric fuel injection has been on cars since '57.
Let's consider this. Should FI be on every engine made? It's complex. It's untunable without some electronic device such as a computer or tuner. It has it's advantages but should we have complexity just because we can? Personally, I don't mind carbs on a bike. They work fine, easily tunable, durable, and well understood.
FlightService wrote:
Who said anything about liquid vs air cooled as a statement of technological presence? I know of none of the Jap or hell even European manufactures that doesn't use at least oil cooling on their bikes.
Air cooling is interesting as well. Same points as above. If you don't need the complexity of water cooling why have it? You're hauling around extra weight and complexity for something that may not be needed.
If ultimate horsepower is your goal it's a necessity. But if you're secure enough in your masculinity to ride a bike that makes under 100 hp you don't really need water cooling. (Just goofing about the masculinity part. Hayabusa guys don't need to get mad.)
FlightService wrote:
I am talking about the wonderful "mis-teak" of the vibration and that annoying noise coming out of those damn gutted pipes. Oh that wonderful thing that slings bolts (My duc was bad for it as well, one of the reasons I am glad it is gone.) Ever heard of Loc-tite? They charge enough for them they should at least give me that much. The flow rates for the intake and exhaust and maximum RPM on HD is gawd aweful. That much displacement and almost the entire lineup will be beaten by some squid on a 600cc sport bike! Look at Suzuki's old Intruder 1400. "Classic" styling and it's day it was the 2nd quickest bike available, only to the V-max!. Every mean HD I have seen has aftermarket heads, chips, and a list of mods that would let you buy two sport bikes for the same money.
Blah, blah, blah flow rates, exhaust note, vibration.
Again, if you're not into having 140 hp on the street all this conversation is academic EXCEPT for your noise and vibration points.
Noise, I can't stand gutted pipes. But from the factory HD's are fairly quiet as well as Buell's. You're confusing the product with the rider at this point. That's like saying all sport bikes are death machines. If they're ridden immaturely they're a quick way to suicide. That's a rider problem, not a product problem.
Vibration is a problem on the V-twin engine design. Jap bike makers designed the vibration out and watched their cruiser lines lose sales. I don't get it either but it's the way it's been for quite awhile. I can say my Buell's don't vibrate at anything but idle. The HD isolator system does a good job of ironing those out at speed. I think most HD products now use a rubber mount system. Maybe you're talking more about older HD products than the newer stuff?
FlightService wrote:
I am all for made in America and pride in what we do, but for God's sake produce something that will compete.
Buell did all right when they competed. Pretty cool for a marque that had a very tight racing budget. In before you start with "rules favored Buell, not reliable, blah, blah blah". All things you could say about Ducati at one point or another.
But again, what does competition have to do with street riding?
Speaking of competition...ever see the documentary about John Britten? Holy sh!t. That guy. Made all his own parts. Redesigned his motorcycle from scratch. Kicked major a$$. Talk about a grassroots inspiration. Check it out man. You won't be disappointed if you're a gear head. Here is a pic of his bike as it might jog your memory.

Sexy right?!
FlightService wrote:
I thought Buell was on it's way with the upcoming, now dead, V-Rod engined based bike, but instead they got an engine from Rotax. I miss Buell, they were the last hope for HD IMHO. They at least gave them something of a complete lineup.
You mean the 1125R? They made it in 2007.

Check out the specs. 150 hp and 10k redline are interesting. I also hear the Erik Buell designed front end has incredible feel and feedback. This is from friends I have who race semi-competitively. I trust their judgement.
FlightService wrote:
I think it is funny the people on this forum defending one of the heaviest CC for CC bikes on the planet, when in every other post, we all preach light is right.
Boggles the mind.
And before anyone quips, yes I know the company that built my bike was owned by HD for a while, and a few times.
Riding motorcycles isn't all about performance. It's nice to have as we all like some power and performance. Riding is more about the journey as opposed to how many parsecs it takes you to make the Kessel run.
I hope I don't sound uber critical here. I've bashed HD back in the day. Believe me. I hated having to go there for parts of my Buell's. The few guys there trying to act like bad arses were annoying but eventually I got over it. I now go to an independant HD shop. Those guys are not joke. They raced iron head bikes back in the day. No time for BS there. Also, very little attiude as long as I'm spending green ya know? 
I didn't want an HD but I rode with some good guys who did. They didn't buy the bikes because they wanted to buy Amurican. They bought the bikes because that's how they liked to ride. BMW GS guys ride a lot the same. Long rides, low(er) speeds than sport bikes, and varied destinations. No one rags on BMW for making a fookin huge bike with lower power. But HD? They might as well have a bullseye on their back.
I think a lot of the animosity comes from about 1% of the riders of HD products. Same as sport bikes. Some guys just ride like dicks. Some guys just act like dicks. It happens.
But these days I just hang back and have some fun while riding. I'm over trying to ride fast to impress people so HD's don't rile me as much.