Hoppps New Reader
12/6/23 12:57 p.m.

Since 2015, I have been camping in the outside area at the Rolex 24. Its was great, I could watch the race, and then a short walk to my campsite was far enough away from the track to actually get some sleep.

Now, it seems like they are trying to push the tent campers out to make space for RV's. I understand that RV'a probably make more money, but what about us grassroots fans? 

They paved the infield for parking, and the last year they took half of the outside camp spots for RV. Looking at the camping map this year, the only listed tent camping spots are in nascar turn 3.

I wish there was a way to stop this. Fortunately I auto-renewed my tent spots for 2024, but I would not be surprised if they don't let me for 2025.

Marjorie Suddard
Marjorie Suddard General Manager
12/6/23 3:22 p.m.

In reply to Hoppps :

As someone who lost their, uh, pretty supersized tent site at the Rolex 24 to RVs, I would say you are absolutely correct in speculating that Daytona is pushing folks out to make room for more RVs.


Purple Frog (Forum Supporter)
Purple Frog (Forum Supporter) Dork
12/6/23 7:24 p.m.

All those GRM promotions over the years alerted fans to the event, now its popularity is pricing some early adopters out.

Woody (Forum Supportum)
Woody (Forum Supportum) MegaDork
12/6/23 9:42 p.m.
Marjorie Suddard said:

In reply to Hoppps :

As someone who lost their, uh, pretty supersized tent site at the Rolex 24 to RVs, I would say you are absolutely correct in speculating that Daytona is pushing folks out to make room for more RVs.


Uh oh...good luck Daytona International Speedway...

Hoppps New Reader
12/7/23 9:51 a.m.

The GRM Experience paddock walk last year was the first one I attended....I was floored that we got into the media room AND we had important people like John Doonan just chatting with us. I was super excited to join again for 2024...but we know how that went down.

I don't like that they are trying to price out some hardcore fans to make way for people who couldn't care about the racing. I know it's the same with F1 and some Indy tracks too, it just hurts a little. I don't wanna spend over a grand to rent an rv for the race, I like my $50 tent and trying to cook over the fire pit 

dyintorace PowerDork
12/7/23 11:21 a.m.

With the demise of the GRM tent/parking area, what are folks planning on doing for parking? Infield passes are sold out and the PCA corral passes are always gone in seconds. I much prefer having a car in the infield as we can pack snacks, extra clothing, a cooler, etc. 

wae PowerDork
12/7/23 12:10 p.m.

Well, that made me go and check...  Apparently they went ahead and renewed my Geico West RV camping spot, but the 4 day admission and infield parking that were part of the GRM package were just silently canceled.  There was absolutely no notification to me at all, other than the thread earlier this year on this forum.  That's a pretty E36 M3ty way to handle things.

Tom Suddard
Tom Suddard Publisher
12/7/23 12:21 p.m.

Wow, I'm shocked they didn't say anything--one reason we're not there in 2024 is that we don't actually have the ability to notify you (Daytona owns that information), but they'd told me they would at least tell you something.

Maybe this is all a good excuse to bring the dune buggy back to the infield. It's banned for life, but time heals all wounds, right?

wae PowerDork
12/7/23 1:23 p.m.

In reply to Tom Suddard :

I'm chatting with my salesrep now..  he's saying that I should have gotten emails and/or a phone call offering me infield parking as a substitute.  I definitely don't have any emails from the track or anyone about it, although I suppose I could have missed a phone call at some point.  Interestingly, they're making it sound like you guys just decided to not work with them anymore.... (which I know isn't what's going on...)

TRoglodyte UltraDork
12/7/23 1:43 p.m.

In reply to Tom Suddard :

Can I ride shotgun?

Hoppps New Reader
12/26/23 5:59 a.m.

Bumping an old thread - does anyone have an outside camping ticket they want to sell? I need 1 more for our group.

Floating Doc (Forum Supporter)
Floating Doc (Forum Supporter) UltimaDork
12/26/23 6:52 a.m.

I got both emails and a phone call, offering a different package. It was about the GRM experience for me (intentionally not capitalized). I'm more interested in attending the Historic 24. 

sherlockmike New Reader
12/28/23 5:39 p.m.

I've been going to the 24 (before it was the Rolex) off and on for decades. I got bumped from in-field parking years ago, for reasons that were not clear, to Lot 4. This year I almost lost the Lot  4 parking (because the remote parking was being taken by construction for the Costco??? Explain that).

They were supposed to contact me with a decison but after not hearing for months, I called them and got the same BS about sending me emails and leaving voice messages. That didn't happen. But surprise, surprise when I pushed, it turns out Lot 4 was available. Wonder what it will take to get back to the in-field.

wae PowerDork
12/29/23 8:41 a.m.

That reminded me that the guy never reached out to me like he promised he would.  I'm assuming that means there's no infield parking.  I've emailed him to find out, but if I can't get infield parking I'm leaning heavily towards not going at all.

wae PowerDork
1/11/24 3:25 p.m.

In a move that has absolutely astounded and surprised me, my salesrep called me back today and told me that he could offer me an infield car camping spot in lieu of the former infield parking pass.  So I took that.  I can now park the motorhome outside turn 1 and put up a tent near turns 3/4.  Interesting.

Now I have to see if I can arrange my schedule to go.  I had kind of given up on it....

20Ver New Reader
1/12/24 1:35 p.m.

Anybody planning or interested in a mini (unsanctioned) meetup, dinner, midnight tour?  I know years past we met at bw3 or a local bar/brewery on Thursday or Friday night.  

I am not tied to GRM or the track, just figured there might be enough of us to plan something.  I can sure call and warn a local establishment of a group coming at x time and day.  


Dean_does_it New Reader
1/18/24 9:35 a.m.

I've been involved with GRM Experience (not an employee) for about ten years.  I'm working at the Roar right now and it is strange not seeing the big tent by Lake Lloyd.  That area has been taken over by the production company filming the Brad Pitt racing movie.  Those people are everywhere and as far as I'm concerned, in the way.  Enough of that rant.

If enough people contact me between now and Monday (maybe Tuesday), I would like to arrange a get together at a local restaurant (I have a few in mind near the track) on Thursday or Friday night.

I would also be willing to host a Midnight Tour.  I need to know who would be interested by by Monday so I can make proper arrangements

Please contact me via email (dean.anderson1@gmail.com) or by text (478-538-7049).  I know it's risky putting that info out there but I'm serious about this.  I will need you name and cell number also.  I think anyone on the GRM staff would vouch for me.

Let me know if you are interested.

walton New Reader
1/22/24 8:32 a.m.

In reply to Dean_does_it :

Emailed!! Hope you get enough interest

stevette New Reader
1/22/24 9:08 a.m.

I just learned today (1/22) that the GRM Experience isn't happening. It was only through some Facebook conversation that someone notified me. Not surprised I didn't get any call or email from the ticket office. Super disappointed since I've been doing this for the last five years with them. I think had I known this was going away, I probably would have requested a refund. I did see infield parking was included. Maybe I should be thankful for that?

wae PowerDork
1/22/24 9:17 a.m.

In reply to stevette :

Be thankful you got your infield parking.  Although I may have wound up coming out okay, all told.  At the last minute, my rep called me and told me that he couldn't get me infield parking, but he did get me GA infield car camping.  So that's something.

Hoppps Reader
3/13/24 7:33 a.m.

Just got a renewal letter in the mail....outside tent camping is $100 now, and possibly assigned spots. I'll have to call and see what the deal is later today.

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