We decided early on we wanted to have an air compressor located somewhere onboard our project ramp truck. We also wanted be able to run other power tools without relying on an outside power source. This would require a generator.
After measuring and searching for some budget alternatives, we found a medium size compressor with an 8-gallon air storage tank at Lowes for $179.
We then grabbed one of the surplus generators we had in our storage room—which we used during hurricane season. We figured we were just borrowing it and could just drive the truck to the office if we needed that generator back.
Since this portable generator was held in its own frame, we would have to duplicate the mounting points for the generator itself, the fuel tank, and power panel on the framework of our tire and fuel jug rack.
We used 1-inch square tubing, carefully measured and then welded the framework together to hold the gas tank and power panel, but still allow the generator to be removed for service or replacement.
The air compressor would be another story. While not terribly large, it was tall. We soon realized that it wouldn’t fit in our tire rack and began to search for a location to mount it. After trying a myriad of locations with no luck, we finally separated the compressor itself from the tank.
We mounted the compressor on the truck’s deck underneath the tire rack on the left side of the truck. We then mounted the tank underneath the deck, behind the rear wheel. From there we took the original controls and air nozzle and mounted them into a recessed panel that we welded onto the side of the truck behind the left rear wheel.
Once it was all said and done, our ramp truck could operate as an island with its own power and compressed air. It was becoming a great track support vehicle.
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A lot of the 4x4 crawler guys use an A/C compressor and air tanks bolted under the body. The biggest problem is the A/C units mostly are small displacement so it can take some time to build up pressure, but there is one BIG York they all love.
That's an awesome idea, both mounting the genny and the remote compressor.. I may have to borrow it when I finally get a support vehicle.
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