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Blog articles

Columns: Peter Brock: What gets lost with the increasing use of AI in design

Although the use of AI seems to be here to stay, Peter Brock explains that it likely won't find a home in the world of automotive design.

Columns: Do you experience the same joy that swap meets give me?

Certainly, Facebook Marketplace has its place, but it's not as much fun as going to a swap meet.

Columns: What if the factory could tell you how to restore its cars?

Wish a step-by-step manual existed that told you exactly how to restore a car? As we found out with our 1965 Corvette Coupe, such guides do, in fact, exist.

Columns: Why I love this one-off piece of automotive artwork

One of Classic Motorsports Editor David S. Wallens' favorite pieces of art? No, it's not an old Countach poster or a weathered sign–it's a one-off mixed-media piece by Angelo Moore.

Columns: Have you ever been to an event that transported you back in time?

Although time travel doesn't exist (yet), vintage racing events can offer a unique glimpse into the past.

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