Endurance Race Miata articles, project cars, conversations, and more

Endurance Race Miata project car updates

How to upgrade an LFX’s PCV system for track use

Our V6-swapped Miata was rapidly approaching finished, and past experience with modern direct-injected engines taught us to anticipate one problem before it began: the stock LFX PCV system. …

A brand-new NA Miata hardtop for less than $800?

Forget $7 Apple stock, ignore Tesla, and skip big pharma: The best investment on the planet is probably OEM Miata hardtops, which have skyrocketed in price to be worth as …

What you learn from your first time racing a new car

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For years we’d built and built: Through Covid, through supply chain challenges, through multiple shops 500 miles apart, we’d kept working …

Giving our Miata the aero edge that it really deserves

We’d tripled our Miata’s OEM horsepower via an LFX swap, and this fact sent chills down our spine: We’ve raced this car at Daytona, and even with only …

What you need to know about the Racepak IQ3 Logger Dash: Our experience

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During our low-dollar interior refresh, we installed some high-dollar electronics: Racepak IQ3 Logger Dash, SmartWire Power Control …

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