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How to choose a quality gas station | Coming soon to an issue near you

Sure, that gas station on the corner looks a little scuzzy, but the gas from its pumps is just as good as any other gas station's, right? Not exactly.

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Fuel Facts articles

News and Notes: Should you worry about water in your fuel? | Fuel Facts

Yes, ethanol-blended fuels can sometimes contain water, but should you be concerned about using it to fill up your car?

News and Notes: What is low-carbon fuel? Will it work in a classic car? | Fuel Facts

What's the deal with low-carbon fuel? Wonder if it's safe to use in a classic car? We ask Sunoco's Zachary J. Santner to learn more.

Features: Should you fill up your classic before winter storage? | Fuel Facts

Before putting a classic car into longterm winter storage, should you first fill up the fuel tank?

News and Notes: The century-old test that determines octane numbers | Fuel Facts

Who or what determines the octane number of fuel? As it turns out, the methodology goes back nearly 100 years.

News and Notes: Is alcohol in fuel good or bad?

Most modern fuels contain some ethanol–but is that a good thing or a bad thing?

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