Golf articles, project cars, conversations, and more

Golf project car updates

Installing a trailer hitch: Useful for more than towing?

There’s a joke here about having to carry a bicycle because your Volkswagen broke downbut we won’t make it. Instead, we’re here to extol the virtues of having a small car …

What’s it like buying from Carvana as the company crumbles?

[GRM+ members read this article first. Subscribe and gain access to more exclusive content for only $3/month.]

Buying a car used to be easy: You’d hand over cash, then someone would give you keys and title.

But …

Announcing our latest project car: 2017 Volkswagen Golf GTI

It’s no secret that the used car market is a mess right now, and we’ll admit that the past few years have affected our purchasing decisions just like they’ve affected …

Golf Forum Topics

1986 VW Cabrio on BaT - NMSA
Der Hase - Track Shenanigans 2019 MK7.5 GTI Rabbit Edition
Rrrr you not entertained?
FS: 2019 VW Golf R, 6MT MINE
Talk me up or down - Mk7 (2015-) VW Golf GTI, Mk6 (2013-19) Ford Fiesta ST

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