GTI articles, project cars, conversations, and more

GTI News

Come see our Porsche 911 Carrera and Callaway-turbocharged VW GTI on display at The Amelia this weekend

This Saturday, we'll be showing off our Volkswagen Rabbit GTI and Porsche 911 Carrera project cars during The Amelia's Cars & Community event.

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GTI project car updates

Using a 3D printer to make custom brake deflectors

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Can more speed be created out of thin air? As it turns out, the answer is yes—as long as you have a …

Unlock your GTI's software to shave a second off your time

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Is it possible to do it all with one car? We think the answer is yes, and we think the best …

Cleaning our direct injection GTI’s intake with walnut blasting

The cause of our VW GTI’s rough idle and intermittent check engine light? Our suspicions were confirmed when we opened the hood and removed the intake manifold: The intake vales …

Dogbone inserts: Will they work just as well as solid bushings?

Our GTI has seen some track time. Lots of it, in fact, as evidenced by its podium finish in our class at the Tire Rack One Lap …

Want more full-throttle laps on track? Upgrade the intercooler.

Is it really possible to do it all with one car?

We’ve asked that question in every update about our daily-driven Mk7 VW GTI, and the answer …

GTI Forum Topics

Am I Nuts, pt. 2? '23 GTI to '10 MINI Cooper S
GTI Mk7.5 vs Mk8: Real World Experiences In Daily Driver Land?
Let’s enable David…
Life would be easier if I just sold this (2015 mk7 GTI 2-door 6spd)
FS: Track Day Ready 2015 GTI SE PP IS38

GTI Readers' Rides

Jun 06, 2019 by CharlieFoxtrot
2018 Volkswagen GTI SE

6MT, white, leather, stock.

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