Jeff’s Restorations articles, project cars, conversations, and more

Jeff’s Restorations project car updates

How to get the best possible paintjob? Plenty of time and effort

Now, after all of the prep work, it’s time to spray some color on our Bugeye Sprite.

Javier of Jeff’s Restorations laid down two or …

Time to focus on our Bugeye Sprite's facial features

Why does (good) body work cost more than a few bucks? The time. And the labor. Which are the same thing.

After finishing the main part of the body …

How to rejuvenate a once-mangled body? Lots of time.

What does it take to totally rejuvenate a once-mangled body? Time. And lots of it.

Javier of Jeff’s Restorations has been working our Sprite’s body …

Restoration tip: Make sure the trim fits before you paint

The metal work for our Bugeye Sprite was nearly finished, but before Javier at Jeff’s Restorations went any further, we made sure things properly fit.

The joys of finding a new body shop | Austin-Healey Bugeye Sprite Project

They say it’s bad to change horses midstream, but sometimes you have no choice. Especially when that horse tells you to get off.

After waiting a couple of years …

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