Porsche 911 articles, project cars, conversations, and more

Porsche 911 News

Now available to read: January 2025 digital edition

You don't have to wait for the January 2025 issue to appear in your mailbox–you can read the digital edition now.

In the next issue: Driving a Singer 911 | Subscribe today

Coming to the January 2025 issue of Classic Motorsports: What it's really like to drive a million-dollar Porsche 911 reimagined by Singer. Subscribe today so you don't miss out.

The Quail features 100 years of MG, 50 of Porsche 911 Turbo

This year's featured cars at The Quail include MG, Porsche 911 Turbo and more.

Singer 911 too mainstream? How about something from Theon Design?

Theon Design has unveiled its latest bespoke Porsche 911, GBR002.

Can you make a Porsche 964 better and still keep its soul?

The Porsche 964 continues to provide a fantastic platform for automotive designers, such as Theon Design, to reimagine the classic.

More Porsche 911 News

Porsche 911 articles

Buyer's Guides: Porsche 911 Turbo: Buy one now? | Buyer's Guide

In the market for one of Porsche's most iconic models? Look no further.

Buyer's Guides: Could your latest classic actually come from the computer age?

Can a later car deliver the classic Porsche 911 ownership experience? Our trip down this path has taught us a few things.

Buyer's Guides: Porsche 996 Turbo: Buy one now? | Buyer's Guide

The 996-chassis Porsche 911 Turbo might represent today’s easiest entry into a turbo-powered, all-wheel-drive 911.

Restoration & Renovation: The realities of restoring a race car

Old race cars might live in grainy black and white, but bringing them into today’s world can require some hardnosed detective work–and some tough decisions.

Columns: Collecting cars is like creating your own personal amusement park

You wouldn't go to an amusement park just to ride a single ride, so why settle for a single car?

More Porsche 911 Articles

Porsche 911 project car updates

How to add period-correct details without breaking the bank

Things you won’t see on the Pebble Beach showfield: modern accessories, modern electronics, modern wheels and tires. In fact, it’s right there in the judging process: Cars shall be judged …

Little details matter: Adding period-correct registration stickers

Among life’s great mysteries: Stonehenge, the Big Bang and a reason for the empty registration sticker box in the corner of New York’s old orange license plates.

Let us …

What oil to run in our air-cooled Porsche 911?

It was time to change the oil, which meant it was time to ask a question: Which oil should we use?

On a newer car, the answer can typically be …

What tires should you fit on your Porsche?

Not sure which tires to put on your classic Porsche? Watch our video for some helpful info.