Understanding exhaust back pressure and how to monitor it | Video


Trying to push the performance of your turbocharged car? You might have some questions about exhaust back pressure.

Thankfully, this video helps explain what exhaust back pressure is, why it happens, and how to manage it–plus what happens when you have too much.

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z31maniac MegaDork
3/2/22 2:10 p.m.

Back pressure, you don't want it NA or turbo. 

Unfortunately over the years people have confused poor exhaust scavenging through the use of exhaust pipes that are too large (which slows velocity) and think back pressure is good. 

Paul_VR6 (Forum Supporter)
Paul_VR6 (Forum Supporter) SuperDork
3/2/22 3:23 p.m.

A wise man once said, "exhaust backpressure is fine when the valve is closed."

Pete. (l33t FS)
Pete. (l33t FS) MegaDork
3/2/22 6:48 p.m.
z31maniac said:

Back pressure, you don't want it NA or turbo. 

Unfortunately over the years people have confused poor exhaust scavenging through the use of exhaust pipes that are too large (which slows velocity) and think back pressure is good. 


Now let's work on the myth of coolant moving too fast to transfer heat smiley


Turbos work just fine with bigger = better, at least after the turbo, because exhaust energy should all be used to spin the turbine, or at least any kinetic energy left in the exhaust after the turbine means nothing to the 20-50-80psi of pressure pre-turbine.

codrus (Forum Supporter)
codrus (Forum Supporter) PowerDork
3/2/22 8:24 p.m.
Paul_VR6 (Forum Supporter) said:

A wise man once said, "exhaust backpressure is fine when the valve is closed."

Not if it blows the valve open!


Opti Dork
3/3/22 8:55 a.m.

In reply to z31maniac :

Dont take this as an argument because Im genuinely curios. Has "exhaust too large" been proven? Ive looked for examples in the past and havent found anything, and on the platforms im familiar with, they guys with the biggest exhaust generally go faster/make more power. Internet wisdom is always you cant run the bigger headers/or 4 inch exhaust on a stock cube or close to stock motor, but when tested it always seems the larger guys end up making the HP.

Ive never seen anyone do the obvious extreme, which would be interesting.

z31maniac MegaDork
3/3/22 9:50 a.m.
Opti said:

In reply to z31maniac :

Dont take this as an argument because Im generally curios. Has "exhaust too large" been proven? Ive looked for examples in the past and havent found anything, and on the platforms im familiar with, they guys with the biggest exhaust generally go faster/make more power. Internet wisdom is always you cant run the bigger headers/or 4 inch exhaust on a stock cube or close to stock motor, but when tested it always seems the larger guys end up making the HP.

Ive never seen anyone do the obvious extreme, which would be interesting.

Of course not, I always want to learn as well!

I honestly don't know if anyone has done something like that. Keith, any insight?

Paul_VR6 (Forum Supporter)
Paul_VR6 (Forum Supporter) SuperDork
3/3/22 2:49 p.m.

I have never seen a bigger exhaust lose power, maybe not gain any. Totally different for header primary/secondary sizing as that is crucial. After the turbo or collector, infinity diameter is the answer cool other than packaging.

Opti Dork
3/3/22 8:29 p.m.

In reply to Paul_VR6 (Forum Supporter) :

I've seen collector quality and primary length make a difference, but everything equal I haven't seen larger primaries lose power, but like I said I haven't seen anyone go to the extremes to test it.

So I don't know if the platforms I'm familiar with run primaries too small commonly so when people upsize, they are actually still headed in the right direction or not.

If you've got some testing or info where only primary size goes up and power goes down I'd be real interested in reading about it.

Pete. (l33t FS)
Pete. (l33t FS) MegaDork
3/3/22 8:35 p.m.

Are we talking peak power, or overall powerband?

Opti Dork
3/3/22 9:16 p.m.

In reply to Pete. (l33t FS) :

I'm interested in either

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